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J Dent Anesth Pain Med.2024 Apr;24(2):119-128.


A comparative evaluation of peppermint oil and lignocaine spray as topical anesthetic agents prior to local anesthesia in children: a randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 38584755




BACKGROUND: In pediatric dentistry, fear and anxiety are common among children. Local anesthetics (LA) are widely used to control pain and reduce discomfort in children during dental treatment. Topical anesthetics play a vital role in reducing pain and the unpleasant sensation of a needle puncture in children. Peppermint oil has been extensively used for various diseases. However, its anesthetic properties remain unknown. Peppermint oil, used in mouthwashes, toothpastes, and other topical preparations has analgesic, anesthetic, and antiseptic properties. This study aimed to compare and evaluate pain perception following the topical application of peppermint oil versus lignocaine spray before an intraoral injection in children, aged 8-13 years.


歯科治療で局所麻酔が必要な8~13歳の小児52名を、単純無作為抽出により26名ずつの2グループに分けた(グループ1:0.2%ペパーミントオイル、グループ2:リグノカインスプレー)。両群とも、処置前、処置中、処置後にパルスオキシメトリーを用いて生理学的測定(心拍数など)を記録した。投与中の客観的疼痛測定(SEM(Sound Eye Motor)スケール)と、LA投与後の主観的測定値(WBFPRS(Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale))が記録された。生理学的パラメータは、群間比較には独立t検定、群内比較には一対のt検定と反復測定ANOVAを用いて2群間で比較した。疼痛スコアの解析にはマン・ホイットニーのU検定を用いた。

METHOD: Fifty-two children, aged between 8-13 years, who required local anesthesia for dental treatment were divided into two groups of 26 each by simple random sampling (Group 1: 0.2% peppermint oil and Group 2: lignocaine spray). In both groups, physiological measurements (e.g., heart rate) were recorded using pulse oximetry before, during, and after the procedure. Objective pain measurement (Sound Eye Motor (SEM) scale) during administration and subjective measuremeant (Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WBFPRS)) after LA administration were recorded. This was followed by the required treatment of the child.Physiological parameters were compared between the two groups using an independent t-test for intergroup assessment and a paired t-test and repeated-measures ANOVA for intragroup comparisons. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze the pain scores.


治療前、治療中、治療後のグループ内平均心拍数は統計的に有意差があった(P < 0.05)。しかし、群間平均脈拍数は2群間で有意差はなかった。リグノカインスプレー群におけるWBFPSスコアの平均は4.133±2.06で、ペパーミントオイル群(0.933±1.03;P<0.001)と統計学的に差があった。平均SEMスコアはペパーミントオイル群でリグノカインスプレー群より有意に低かった(P = 0.006)。この研究では、悪影響は観察されなかった。

RESULTS: Intragroup mean heart rates, before, during, and after treatment were statistically significantly different (P < 0.05). However, the intergroup mean pulse rates did not differ significantly between the two groups. The mean WBFPS score in the lignocaine spray group was 4.133 ± 2.06 was statistically different from that of the peppermint oil group (0.933 ± 1.03; P < 0.001). The mean SEM score was significantly lower in the peppermint oil group than that in the lignocaine spray group (P = 0.006). No negative effects were observed in this study.



CONCLUSION: 0.2% peppermint oil was effective in reducing pain perception.