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J Dent Anesth Pain Med.2024 Apr;24(2):109-117.


Efficacy of sucrose application in minimizing pain perception related to dental injection in children aged 3 to 9 years: a randomized control trial.

PMID: 38584756




BACKGROUND: Dental fear and anxiety are significant challenges in managing behavior in children. Oral administration of sucrose or sweet-tasting solutions has shown effectiveness in reducing procedural pain in infants and neonates. This study aimed to investigate whether pre-application of sucrose solution had an effect on minimizing pain perception during injection and to assess the potential impact of the child's age and sweet preference.


頬側浸潤注射を必要とする3~9歳の小児60人を対象に無作為化対照臨床試験を実施した。保護者の同意後、小児の人口統計学的データが記録された。甘いものの嗜好は、修正強制選択テストを用いて評価した。子供たちは、抽選法を用いて試験群(スクロース)と対照群に均等に無作為に割り付けられた。スクロース溶液または蒸留水を、それぞれ舌側面に2分間塗布した。注射部位に局所麻酔薬が塗布され、その後局所麻酔が投与された。小児は麻酔薬注入直後に水で3回口をすすいだ。注射中のビデオが録画され、盲検化された3人の検査者がSEM(Sound Eye Motor)スケールで採点した。また、子どもたちはWBFPS(Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale)を用いて自己評価した。

METHODS: A randomized control clinical trial was conducted on 60 children aged 3-9 years requiring buccal infiltration injections. Following parental consent, demographic data of the children were recorded. Sweet preferences was assessed using a modified forced-choice test. Children were equally and randomly allocated into study (sucrose) and control groups using a lottery method. Sucrose solution or distilled water, respectively, was applied to the lateral surface of the tongue for 2 min. Topical anesthetic was applied at the site of injection, followed by local anesthesia administration. The children rinsed their mouths thrice with water immediately after anesthetic injection. A video was recorded during injection which was then scored by three blinded examiners on the Sound Eye Motor (SEM) scale. The children also self-evaluated using Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WBFPS).


平均SEM得点とWBFPS得点をKruskall-Wallis検定を用いて分析した。試験群の平均SEMスコアは1.37±0.61であったのに対し、対照群では3.17±0.87であり、統計学的に有意な差が認められた(P < 0.001)。WBFPSによって評価された疼痛スコアの平均値は、試験群では0.60±1.4であったのに対し、対照群では6.27±2.33であり、これも統計学的に有意な差を示した(P<0.001)。甘いものを好む子どもは、主観的な痛覚の軽減を示した。

RESULTS: The mean SEM scores and WBFPS scores were analyzed using the Kruskall-Wallis test. The mean SEM score in the study group was 1.37 ± 0.61, compared to 3.17 ± 0.87 in the control group, showing a statistically significant difference (P < 0.001). Mean pain scores assessed by WBFPS in the study group were 0.60 ± 1.4, while in the control group, they were 6.27 ± 2.33, also showing a statistically significant difference (P < 0.001). Children with a sweet preference demonstrated a subjective reduction in pain perception.



CONCLUSION: Application of sucrose before dental injections in children helps to minimize pain upon injection across all age groups.