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BMC Oral Health.2024 Apr;24(1):431.

前歯部の水平的歯槽堤増大に対するCGF(concentrated growth factor)併用粘着性骨の適用:無作為化比較臨床試験

Application of sticky bone combined with concentrated growth factor (CGF) for horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation of anterior teeth: a randomized controlled clinical study.

PMID: 38589825



本研究は、インプラント埋入時の前歯部歯槽骨水平増大に対するCGF(concentrated growth factor:濃縮成長因子)を併用した粘着性骨の効果を推定することを目的とした。

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to estimate the effect of sticky bone combined with concentrated growth factor (CGF) on anterior alveolar horizontal augmentation during implantation.


28名の患者を試験群(グループ1、n=14)と対照群(グループ2、n=14)に無作為に割り付けた。グループ1とグループ2の患者には、それぞれCGFと骨粉を生理食塩水と混合した粘着性骨を用いたGBRを行った。術後7日目に、患者はvisual analogue scale(VAS)を記入した。異なる時期のCBCTデータから上顎歯槽骨の3次元モデルを再構築し、測定マーカーガイドを使用して骨量変換率を算出した。外傷閉鎖前後の唇側骨厚と術後6ヶ月の骨密度も測定した。

METHODS: Twenty-eight patients were randomly assigned to either the test group (Group 1, n = 14) or the control group (Group 2, n = 14). Patients in Group 1 and Group 2 underwent GBR using sticky bone combined with CGF and bone powders mixed with saline, respectively. On postoperative Day 7, the patients completed the visual analogue scale (VAS). Three-dimensional models of maxillary alveolar bone were reconstructed from CBCT data at different periods, and the bone volume conversion rate was calculated with the assistance of a measurement marker guide. Labial bone thickness before and after trauma closure and bone density at six months postoperatively were also measured.



RESULTS: The mean bone volume conversion rate for Group 1 (72.09 ± 12.18%) was greater than that for Group 2 (57.47 ± 9.62%, P = 0.002). The VAS score was lower for Group 1 than for Group 2 (P = 0.032). At six months postoperatively, greater bone density was found in patients in Group 1 than in those in Group 2, although the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The change in the thickness of the labial bone graft material in Group 1 was smaller than that in Group 2 (P = 0.025).



CONCLUSION: Sticky bone combined with CGF was able to achieve better bone augmentation than conventional GBR. With excellent mechanical properties and the capacity to release growth factors, sticky bone is an ideal material for bone grafting.


本試験は、10/04/2022にChinese Clinical Trial Registryに登録された(識別番号:ChiCTR2200058500)。

TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered at the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry on 10/04/2022 (Identification number: ChiCTR2200058500).