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J Clin Med.2024 Feb;13(5).


Treatment Efficiency of Maxillary and Mandibular Orovestibular Tooth Expansion and Compression Movements with the Invisalign System in Adolescents and Adults.

PMID: 38592077




OBJECTIVES: Aligners are an effective and esthetic orthodontic treatment option for permanent and mixed dentition. There are only a few studies dealing with the effectiveness of orovestibular tooth movement using aligners and applying adequate examination methods. In the present retrospective study, the aligner efficiency of orovestibular movements for the entire dentition was systematically evaluated using 3D superimposition, taking into account the influence of jaw, tooth type and Invisalign system.


グループ1(=成人18名、インビザライン)とグループ2(=青年17名、インビザライン・ティーン)には、インビザラインEx30アライナー素材とインビザライン特有の補助手段を用いて治療を行った。この非介入型レトロスペクティブ研究では、治療前後の上顎と下顎の石膏模型をスキャンし、表面-表面マッチングアルゴリズムを介してClinChecksで安定した基準となる動いていない歯に重ね合わせました。それぞれの歯について、計画された動きと臨床的に実現された動きの効果を評価した。統計は、検定とボンフェローニ・ホルム補正(= 0.05)を用いて行った。

METHODS: Group 1 ( = 18 adults, Invisalign) and Group 2 ( = 17 adolescents, Invisalign Teen) were treated with Invisalign Ex30 aligner material and Invisalign specific auxiliary means. In this non-interventional retrospective study, pre- and post-treatment maxillary and mandibular plaster cast models were scanned and superimposed with ClinChecks via Surface-Surface Matching Algorithm on unmoved teeth providing stable references. Effectivity of planned versus clinically realized movements was evaluated for each tooth. Statistics were performed with a -test and Bonferroni-Holm correction ( = 0.05).



RESULTS: Orovestibular movement efficiency was excellent without statistical significance regarding jaw, tooth type or Invisalign system. Mandibular translational tooth movements were highly effective, and outstanding for premolars (91-98%). Maxillary translational tooth movements were successful for incisors and premolars, but less effective for canines and molars. Almost all teeth were moderately or very effectively corrected by crown tipping, performing better for mandibular (70-92%) than maxillary (22-31%) canines as much as for adolescent upper front teeth (81-85%) and lower canines (92%).



CONCLUSIONS: Aligners are able to effectively implement translational orovestibular movements, supported by tilting the crowns for even more efficient implementation of the movements. This phenomenon was observed in our studies for all teeth in both jaws, regardless of the Invisalign system used. Treatment planning should nevertheless take into account the individual patient parameters with regard to the movements to be performed in order to make the aligner therapy as successful as possible in terms of realizing the desired therapeutic goal.