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J Pharm Bioallied Sci.2024 Feb;16(Suppl 1):S305-S307.


Analysis Comparing the Recovery of Airway Reflexes and Cognitive Ability After Sevoflurane with Desflurane Anesthesia.

PMID: 38595352




INTRODUCTION: Although sevoflurane and desflurane have nearly identical blood-gas solubilities, current research suggests that airway reflexes recover more quickly with desflurane than sevoflurane; however, cognitive function recovery varies substantially. The current study was piloted to appraise the lengths of time needed to recover from anesthesia following desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia.


ASA "でI-IIに分類された、待機的手術を受けた非肥満の成人被験者70名を対象に、前向き臨床試験を試験的に実施した。セボフルランとデスフルランが均等に配分された被験者で試験された。これらの薬剤は通常の全身麻酔手順に従って使用された。抜管後、認知機能の回復と気道反射のテストを行い、さまざまな時間間隔を記録した。観察値を計算し、<0.05で統計解析を行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective clinical trial was piloted among 70 adult non-obese subjects who underwent elective surgery and were classified I-II by the " (ASA)". Sevoflurane and desflurane were tested among the subjects who were equally distributed. These agents were used in accordance with a normal general anaesthesia procedure. After they were extubated, tests for regaining cognitive function and airway reflexes were carried out, and different time intervals were recorded. The observations were calculated and < 0.05 was used to conduct the statistical analysis.


患者の最初の発声反応から最初の嚥下テスト成功までの平均経過時間は、セボフルランとデスフルランでそれぞれ5.25±3.11 vs 5.01±2.12と、2群間で類似していた(T2)。T2では有意差はなかった。T1、T3、T4の他のすべての時間間隔では、有意なばらつきの証拠があった(それぞれ、= 0.003; 0.0013; <0.001)。

RESULTS: The average amount of time that passed between the patient's first vocal response and their first successful completion of the swallowing test was analogous between the two groups (T2) with 5.25 ± 3.11 vs 5.01 ± 2.12 in sevoflurane and desflurane, respectively. There was no significant variance at T2. For all the other time intervals of T1, T3, and T4, there was evidence of the significant variance.( = 0.003; 0.0013; <0.001, respectively).



CONCLUSION: Desflurane causes patients to recover more quickly than sevoflurane does after laparoscopic cholecystectomy under controlled circumstances.