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J Pharm Bioallied Sci.2024 Feb;16(Suppl 1):S789-S791.


Comparative Evaluation of Octenidine with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash in Gingivitis and Periodontitis Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

PMID: 38595450



クロルヘキシジングルコン酸塩(CHX)は、最も効果的な洗口剤と考えられてきた。しかし、その悪影響が認められているため、短期間しか使用できない。オクテニジン二塩酸塩(OCT)は、1980年代にSterling Winthropによって発見された消毒物質で、典型的で健康的な口腔内細菌叢を乱すことなく、歯垢微生物の侵入の共凝集を防ぐのに有用であることが証明されている。しかし、オクテニジンの洗口液としての歯垢予防効果に関する研究はほとんどない。そこで本研究では、0.1%のオクテニジンと0.2%のクロルヘキシジンを含む洗口液の有効性を検討する。

INTRODUCTION: Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) has been still regarded as the most efficient mouthwash. Due to its recognized negative effects, it can only be used for a short duration. Octenidine dihydrochloride (OCT), an antiseptic substance found by Sterling Winthrop in the 1980s, has proven helpful in preventing the co-aggregation of dental plaque microbial invaders without disrupting the typical, healthy oral flora. However, there is very little research on octenidine's effectiveness as a mouthwash for preventing plaque. Therefore, this study is being conducted to examine the effectiveness of mouthwashes containing 0.1% Octenidine and 0.2% chlorhexidine.


この臨床試験では、被験者を歯肉炎と歯周炎の患者各60人の2群に分けた。そして、各グループから30人の患者にはオクテニジン洗口液の使用を勧め、30人の患者にはスケーリングとルートプレーニングの補助としてクロルヘキシジン洗口液を処方した。O'Leary plaque index、Bleeding index、Probing pocket depth、clinical attachment lossなどの臨床的パラメータをベースライン時と3ヵ月後に評価した。

METHODOLOGY: In this clinical trial, subjects were divided into two groups, 60 patients each with gingivitis and periodontitis. Then, from each group, 30 patients were advised to use octenidine mouthwash, and 30 patients were prescribed chlorhexidine mouthwash as an adjunct to scaling and root planning. Clinical parameters like O'Leary plaque index, Bleeding index, Probing pocket depth, and clinical attachment loss were evaluated at baseline and after 3 months.



RESULT: In both the gingivitis and periodontitis groups, the octenidine group significantly outperformed the chlorhexidine group in all clinical metrics.



CONCLUSION: Octenidine showed better results in comparison to chlorhexidine with respect to all the above-mentioned clinical parameters. Hence, it can be considered a promising mouthwash for future therapeutic and research studies.