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J Clin Exp Dent.2024 Mar;16(3):e270-e275.


Influence of preventive remineralizing techniques on surface roughness and volume loss of dentin submitted to erosive and/or abrasive challenges.

PMID: 38600936




BACKGROUND: The objective this study was to evaluate the influence of preventive remineralizing techniques on surface roughness and volume loss of dentin submitted to erosive and/or abrasive challenges.



MATERIAL AND METHODS: One hundred and eighty specimens of bovine root dentin were made; half of each was isolated (without treatment - WT) and half was subjected to the following remineralizing techniques: fluoride varnish (FV); Regenerate Boosting Serum® (RBS); Er,Cr:YSGG laser (L); fluoride varnish+laser (FV+L); Regenerate Boosting Serum®+laser (RBS+L). The specimens were submitted to erosive, abrasive and erosive followed by abrasive challenge. Erosion was carried out for 5 minutes, twice a day for 10 days. Abrasion was performed with an electric toothbrush and slurry solution for 60 seconds. The evaluation was performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Analysis of variance and Tukey tests were used for surface roughness; volume loss comparison was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's post-hoc (<0.05).



RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the surface roughness of the reference area in relation to the areas submitted to different types of treatment and challenges (>0.05). Regarding volume loss, the untreated group submitted to erosive/abrasive challenges showed greater percentage of volume loss compared to the other groups (<0.05).


予防的再石灰化テクニックは、侵食性/研磨性チャレンジ後の象牙質の体積維持に有効であると結論された。YSGGレーザー, 象牙質, 侵食, 歯牙摩耗.

CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that preventive remineralizing techniques are effective in maintaining dentin volume after erosive/abrasive challenges. YSGG lasers, Dentin, Erosion, Tooth Abrasion.