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Cureus.2024 Mar;16(3):e55924.

歯周病におけるファーケーションの浸潤:A Narrative Review

Furcation Involvement in Periodontal Disease: A Narrative Review.

PMID: 38601385



Furcation-involved teeth, commonly seen in dental practice, have a higher likelihood of needing extraction as the severity of periodontal furcation involvement increases. Studies consistently show that periodontitis in teeth with multiple roots significantly increases the risk of tooth loss, especially in the area where the furcation is involved. These furcation defects pose a major problem for dentists because of their location, accessibility issues, and the unpredictable healing process. The biggest hurdle in treating furcation defects is their irregular shape, which makes it hard to achieve complete debridement. While various treatments have been explored, non-surgical methods have not shown much success. This article comprehensively provides a review and discussion on the classification, assessment, and treatment options, including surgical and non-surgical management of furcation-involved molar teeth. Properly understanding the severity of the disease and its confounding factors and managing and treating the lesions appropriately have been shown to impart satisfactory survival rates for these teeth. Enhancing the understanding of managing these teeth can also lead to better outcomes for patients.