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Int J Older People Nurs.2024 May;19(3):e12610.


Association between a malnutrition screening tool and mealtime observation checklist items in older people receiving oral intake support: A cross-sectional study of four long-term care facilities.

PMID: 38618707




BACKGROUND: Multiple nutritional screening tools are available for older people; however, few screening tools include specific eating behaviours as risk factors that could lead to poor food intake. The 24-item mealtime observation checklist (MOCL), developed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2015, comprises signs, symptoms and conditions during mealtime that reflect eating and swallowing functions and oral conditions.



OBJECTIVES: To examine factors associated with malnutrition among the MOCL items in older people.


日本の4ヵ所の介護施設で実施された後ろ向きコホート研究のデータを用いて横断研究を行った。施設に入所している高齢者のうち、経口摂取支援を受けている198人を解析の対象とした。栄養状態はMini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form(MNA-SF)を用いて評価し、「栄養不良」と「栄養リスクありまたは栄養状態良好」との比較を行った。多変量ロジスティック回帰分析を用いて、MOCLの各項目と栄養不良との関連を評価した。

METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using data from a retrospective cohort study conducted at four long-term care facilities in Japan. Among the older people residing in the facilities, 198 who received oral intake support were included in the analyses. Nutritional status was assessed using the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF), and comparisons were made between 'malnutrition' and 'at-risk or well-nourished'. The association between each MOCL item and malnutrition was assessed using multivariable logistic regression analysis.



RESULTS: Of the 198 participants, 98 (49.5%) were classified as 'malnutrition', 98 (49.5%) as 'at-risk' and 2 (1%) as 'well-nourished' by MNA-SF. After adjusting for participant characteristics such as age and sex, significant associations with malnutrition were observed for four items from the 24-item MOCL: 'Has fatigue due to extended mealtime (odds ratio [OR] = 3.20, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.36-7.53)', 'Food residues in the oral cavity are conspicuous (OR = 2.77, 95% CI: 1.38-5.52)', 'Has difficulty swallowing food and takes time to swallow (OR = 3.78, 95% CI: 1.45-9.84)' and 'Assisted feeding is required (OR = 3.70, 95% CI: 1.73-7.91)'.



CONCLUSIONS: The four signs, symptoms and conditions during mealtime identified in this study may be associated with malnutrition in older people.



IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: These may indicate the potential eating problems that can lead to malnutrition. By incorporating them into early intervention and prevention measures, health care providers may help prevent malnutrition and improve the nutritional status of older people.