Dental caries status and related factors among 5-year-old children in Shanghai.
PMID: 38627729
BACKGROUND: Dental caries in young children is a difficult global oral health problem. In the last decade, China has put a great deal of effort into reducing the prevalence of dental caries. This study, which is part of the China Population Chronic Disease and Nutrition Surveillance 2021, aimed to investigate the prevalence of dental caries among children aged 5 in Shanghai, China, and its associated factors.
METHODS: A total of 1281 children aged 5 years from 6 districts in Shanghai were selected by a stratified sampling method. The survey consisted of an oral health questionnaire and an oral health examination. The questionnaire included questions on oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours. The oral health examination used WHO standards. After screening, the data were input and analysed. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were used to study the relevant factors affecting dental caries.
1281人の小児のう蝕有病率は51.0%、dmft index scoreは2.46、Significant Caries Index (SiC) scoreは6.39、SiC10 scoreは10.35であった。う蝕罹患率は、甘い飲み物の摂取頻度、歯磨き開始年齢、歯磨き後の食習慣、行政による口腔検診の有無(p<0.05)、母親の教育レベルと関連していたが、性別、フッ化物配合歯磨剤の使用、歯磨きの頻度、両親による歯磨きの補助の有無、フロスの使用頻度とは関連していなかった(p>0.05)。ロジスティック回帰分析により、居住地域、ブラッシング後の食事、およびブラッシング開始年齢がう蝕と関連していることが示された。
RESULTS: The prevalence of dental caries among 1281 children was 51.0%, the dmft index score was 2.46, the Significant Caries Index (SiC) score was 6.39, and the SiC10 score was 10.35. Dental caries experience was related to the frequency of sweet drink consumption, the age of starting tooth brushing, eating habits after brushing, whether the children had received an oral examination provided by the government (p < 0.05), and the mother's education level but was not related to sex, the use of fluoride toothpaste, the frequency of brushing, whether the parents assisted brushing, or the frequency of flossing (p > 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that the region of residence, eating after brushing and the age of starting brushing were associated with dental caries.
CONCLUSIONS: Dental caries remained prevalent among 5-year-old children in Shanghai, China. Prevention strategies that target the associated factors including region of residence, eating after brushing, and the age of starting brushing should be considered.