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Quintessence Int.2024 Jun;55(6):504-513.


Tooth surface loss: causes, management, and prevention.

PMID: 38634628




OBJECTIVES: Tooth wear, also referred to as tooth surface loss, occurs due to causes other than caries. This involves the loss of hard tissues, namely enamel, dentin, and/or cementum. Types of tooth wear/tooth surface loss are abrasion, abfraction, attrition, and erosion. These multifactorial conditions can be caused by factors such as lifestyle, diet, or even habits, and may not be symptomatic. The focus of this article is to provide clinicians with detailed examples and explanations of the causes of tooth loss to aid in early diagnosis. Through early identification, the preventive measures outlined can be implemented to avoid excessive tooth wear. The provision of a treatment flowchart and general treatment recommendations aims to help clinicians determine when to restore these lesions and the most appropriate treatment measures for the four types of wear.


PubMed(MEDLINE)検索エンジンを用いて、5年間(2018年8月26日~2022年7月25日)に限定した歯に関する情報を収集した。感度と特異度のバランスが最も良い英語研究とレビューのみを考慮した。PubMedデータセットのブーリアン検索を実施し、さまざまなキーワードを組み合わせた:(「歯の摩耗」OR歯の消耗OR歯の侵食OR歯の摩耗OR歯の剥離)。その他の論文はGoogle Scholarで選択した。

METHOD AND MATERIALS: The PubMed (MEDLINE) search engine was used to gather information on teeth restricted to a 5-year period (26 August 2018 to 25 July 2022). Only English-language studies and reviews with the best balance of sensitivity and specificity were considered. A Boolean search of the PubMed dataset was implemented to combine a range of keywords: ("tooth wear" OR tooth attrition OR tooth erosion OR tooth abrasion OR tooth abfraction). Additional articles were selected through Google Scholar.



RESULTS: By this process, many articles and studies were obtained, and the 48 most relevant published studies were chosen and used in the current review.



CONCLUSION: Tooth wear affects an increasing number of individuals and can have detrimental effects physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is important to stress early diagnosis and management of tooth wear through monitoring, prevention, and treatment where indicated.