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Clin Oral Investig.2024 Apr;28(5):258.

矯正用アライナーの材料組成と厚みが力の伝達と分散に及ぼす影響:in vitro試験

Effect of material composition and thickness of orthodontic aligners on the transmission and distribution of forces: an in vitro study.

PMID: 38637429




OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of material type and thickness on force generation and distribution by aligners.


60枚のアライナーを6つのグループ(n=10)に分けた: ゼンデュラビバ(マルチレイヤー)を使用した厚さ0.89mmのグループ1つ、ゼンデュラFLX(マルチレイヤー)、CAプロ(マルチレイヤー)、ゼンデュラ(シングルレイヤー)、デュラン(シングルレイヤー)シートを使用した厚さ0.75mmのグループ4つ、デュランシートを使用した厚さ0.50mmのグループ1つ。力測定はFuji®感圧フィルムを用いて行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty aligners were divided into six groups (n = 10): one group with a thickness of 0.89 mm using Zendura Viva (Multi-layer), four groups with a thickness of 0.75 mm using Zendura FLX (Multi-layer), CA Pro (Multi-layer), Zendura (Single-layer), and Duran (Single-layer) sheets, and one group with a thickness of 0.50 mm using Duran sheets. Force measurements were conducted using Fuji® pressure-sensitive films.



RESULTS: The lowest force values, both active and passive, were recorded for the multi-layered sheets: CA Pro (83.1 N, 50.5 N), Zendura FLX (88.9 N, 60.7 N), and Zendura Viva (92.5 N, 68.5 N). Conversely, the highest values were recorded for the single-layered sheets: Duran (131.9 N, 71.8 N) and Zendura (149.7 N, 89.8 N). The highest force was recorded at the middle third of the aligner, followed by the incisal third, and then the cervical third. The net force between the incisal and cervical thirds (F-F) showed insignificant difference across different materials. However, when comparing the incisal and middle thirds, the net force (F-F) was higher with single-layered materials. Both overall force and net force (F-F) were significantly higher with 0.75 mm compared to those with a thickness of 0.50 mm.



CONCLUSIONS: Multi-layered aligner materials exert lower forces compared to their single-layered counterparts. Additionally, increased thickness in aligners results in enhanced retention and greater force generation. For effective bodily tooth movement, thicker and single-layered rigid materials are preferred.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This research provides valuable insights into the biomechanics of orthodontic aligners, which could have significant clinical implications for orthodontists. Orthodontists might use this information to more effectively tailor aligner treatments, considering the specific tooth movement required for each individual patient. In light of these findings, an exchangeable protocol for aligner treatment is suggested, which however needs to be proven clinically. This protocol proposes alternating between multi-layered and single-layered materials within the same treatment phase. This strategy is suggested to optimize treatment outcomes, particularly when planning for a bodily tooth movement.