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BMC Oral Health.2024 Apr;24(1):471.


The effect of deviations in sintering temperature on the translucency and color of multi-layered zirconia.

PMID: 38637799




OBJECT: This study aimed to investigate the changes in the translucency and color of four different multi-layered zirconia materials when the sintering temperature were inaccurate.


アップセラTT-GT(UG)、アップセラTT-ML(UM)、サーコンxt ML(CX)、ラバエステティック(LE)の4種類の多層ジルコニア200試料(11×11×1.0mm)を焼結温度により5つのサブグループに分けた:L1(5%低い温度)、L2(2.5%低い温度)、R(推奨焼結温度)、H2(2.5%高い温度)、H1(5%高い温度)。焼結後、色座標を測定した。その後、各ジルコニア試料の透光性パラメータ(TP)値、および色差(不正確な焼結温度と推奨温度との間)を算出した。統計解析は、三元配置分散分析検定、一元配置分散分析検定、Tukeyのポストホック検定を用いて行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred zirconia samples (11 × 11 × 1.0 mm) of four multi-layered zirconia, Upcera TT-GT (UG), Upcera TT-ML (UM), Cercon xt ML (CX), and Lava Esthetic (LE), were divided into five subgroups according to the sintering temperature: L1 (5% lower temperature), L2 (2.5% lower temperature), R (recommended sintering temperature), H2 (2.5% higher temperature), H1 (5% higher temperature). After sintering, color coordinates were measured. Then the translucency parameter (TP) values, and the color differences (between the inaccurate sintering temperature and the recommended temperature) of each zirconia specimen were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed by using three-way ANOVA tests, the one-way ANOVA, and Tukey's post hoc test.



RESULTS: Three-way ANOVA results showed that material type, sintering temperature, specimen section, and their interactions significantly influenced the TP values (except for the interactions of specimen section and sintering temperature) (P < .05). TP values of zirconia specimens were significantly different in the inaccurate sintering temperatures (P < .05), except for the cervical and body sections of UG group (P > .05). Compared with recommended sintering temperature, higher sintering temperature caused higher TP values for CX, but lower for LE. Three-way ANOVA results showed that material type, sintering temperature, and their interactions significantly influenced the ∆E values (P < .05). There were no significant differences in ∆E values of UM and CX groups at different inaccurate sintering temperatures, and were clinical imperception (except for UM-L1) (∆E < 1.25). ∆E values of all zirconia specimens showed clinically acceptable (∆E < 2.23).



CONCLUSION: The deviations in sintering temperature significantly influenced the translucency and color of tested multi-layered zirconia. The trends of translucency in the multi-layered zirconia depended on material type and the color changes of all zirconia materials were clinically acceptable at inaccurate sintering temperatures.