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Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.2024 Apr;46(1):15.


Retrospective analysis on prognosis of oral cancer patients according to surgical approaches for effective cancer ablation: swing approach versus visor approach.

PMID: 38647815




BACKGROUND: For the surgical treatment of oral cancer, it is sometimes necessary to expand intraoral access within the oral cavity. The "swing approach" that involves lip splitting of the mandible and temporary mandibular osteotomy and the "visor approach" that does not split the lower lip and mandible are mainly used. This study analyzed postoperative outcomes such as complications, recurrence rate, and survival rate by these two approaches. The goal of this study is to evaluate the surgical outcomes of patients using these two approaches, to propose effective perioperative management for oral cancer surgery, and to compare the prognosis of oral cancer patients.


2005年から2020年にかけて、下顎、口底、舌に発生した口腔癌病変に対して釜山大学歯学部付属病院口腔顎顔面外科で手術を受けた患者29名を対象とした。使用した手術アプローチに基づき、患者の性・年齢、原発部位、TNMステージ、病理組織学的悪性度、再発・転移、術後生存率、補助化学放射線療法、審美性・機能・嚥下に対する満足度、入院期間、気管切開とその期間、頸部郭清とその種類など、さまざまな予後臨床因子についてカルテレビューを行った。統計解析はSPSS 25.0(SPSS Inc.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 2005 to 2020, 29 patients who underwent surgery at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Pusan National University Dental Hospital for oral cancer lesions occurred in the mandible, floor of mouth, and tongue were selected for the study. Based on the surgical approach used, a chart review was conducted on various prognostic clinical factors such as the patients' sex and age, primary site, TNM stage, histopathologic grade, recurrence and metastasis, postoperative survival rate, adjuvant chemo-radiation therapy, satisfaction with aesthetics/function/swallowing, length of hospital stay, tracheostomy and its duration, and neck dissection and its type. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 25.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) through Fisher's exact t-test.



RESULT: There was no statistically significant difference between two groups in terms of clinical and pathological findings, such as survival rate, the need for adjuvant therapies, and the local recurrence rate. Although better outcomes were observed in terms of function, aesthetics, and postoperative complications in the group with visor approach, there was still no statistically significant difference between two groups. However, the duration of hospital stay was shorter in the visor approach group.



CONCLUSION: There was no statistically significant difference in clinical prognostic factors between the swing approach and the visor approach. Therefore, when choosing between the two approaches for the ablation of oral cancer, it is considered to select the surgical priority approach that can be easy access based on the size and location of the lesion. The visor approach had advantages of aesthetics and healing period.