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Heliyon.2024 Apr;10(8):e29266.


Bibliometric analysis of the pirfenidone and nintedanib in interstitial lung diseases.

PMID: 38655311




BACKGROUND: At the beginning of 21st century, reclassification of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (ILD) scored academic concerning, and then propelled development. Decade before, pifenidone and nintedanib were approved for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, but no more drugs are yet available. To evaluate the development traits of pirfenidone and nintedanib in fibrosing ILD, including the influential country, institution, authors, keywords, and the major problems or the priorities of the field emerge and evolve, bibliometric analysis was used to summarize and draw scientific knowledge maps.


ピルフェニドン」、「ニンテダニブ」、「肺線維症」、「肺疾患、間質性」に限定した。論文は、2024年2月24日にWeb of Science Core Collectionから検索戦略で検索した。文献解析にはCitespaceとVOSviewerを採用した。

METHODS: We confined the words to "pirfenidone", "nintedanib", "pulmonary fibrosis", and "lung disease, interstitial". Publications were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection on February 24, 2024 with the search strategies. Citespace and VOSviewer were adopted for bibliometric analysis.


ピルフェニドンのナレッジマップでは、58カ国・地域の279機関から合計4359人の著者が538件の研究に貢献した。米国とイタリアが大きくリードしている。ジェネンテック社とトリノ大学が最も強い影響力を持つ研究機関である。AM J RESP CRIT CAREは最も影響力のある定期刊行物である。キーワードクラスターでは、生命力、安全性、結果、有効性、急性増悪、経路、細胞、コラーゲンがホットスポットであることが示された。ホットスポットと参考文献のバーストタイムラインは、ピルフェニドン関連研究の学術的変遷を明らかにした。ニンテダニブの知識マップについては、47カ国・地域の238機関から3297名の著者が374件の研究を発表している。日本、米国、イタリアが最も生産性の高い国である。ベーリンガーインゲルハイムが最も生産性の高い研究機関である。New ENGL J MEDはニンテダニブのマイルストーン報告において重要な役割を担っている。Richeldi Lは、ニンテダニブの抗線維化効果を支持する多数の資本論文を発表した。共起キーワードのネットワークからは、特発性肺線維症、有効性、安全性がホットスポットであった。全身性硬化症関連ILDおよび進行性肺線維症に対するニンテダニブは、最近急激に進化しているホットスポットである。

RESULTS: For the knowledge map of pirfenidone, a total of 4359 authors from 279 institutions in 58 countries/regions contributed to 538 studies. The United States and Italy are way ahead. Genentech Inc and the University of Turin are the institutions with the strongest influence. AM J RESP CRIT CARE is the maximized influential periodical. Raghu G was the most frequently co-cited scholar. keywords cluster demonstrated that vital capacity, safety, outcome, effectiveness, acute exacerbation, pathway, cell, collagen were the hotspots. The burst timeline of hotspots and references revealed academic transitions of pirfenidone-related studies. About the knowledge map of nintedanib, 3297 authors from 238 institutions in 47 countries/regions published 374 studies. Japan, the United States, and Italy are the most productive countries. Boehringer Ingelheim is the overriding productive institution. New ENGL J MED have important roles in reporting milestones of nintedanib. Richeldi L carried numerous capital publications to support the anti-fibrotic effect of nintedanib. From the network of co-occurrence keywords, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, efficacy, and safety were the hotspots. Nintedanib for systemic sclerosis-related ILD and progressive pulmonary fibrosis is the hotspot with sharp evolution recently.



CONCLUSIONS: We summarized and showed developmental alterations of pirfenidone and nintedanib in fibrosing ILD through bibliographic index-based analysis. Our findings showed just dozen years sharp development period of pirfenidone and nintedanib in ILD, and identifies potential partners for interested researchers. The burst of hotspots demonstrated the evolvement of research priorities and major problems, and we observed the transition of keywords from experimental terms like mouse, bleomycin, cell, pathway, collagen, gene expression, to clinical terms including efficacy, safety, survival, acute exacerbation, and progressive pulmonary fibrosis. In the future, exploration about disparity models of drug administration, differences between early and later initiate anti-fibrotic therapy, both short-term and long-term efficacy of pirfenidone and nintedanib in fibrosing ILD, specifically in connective disease associate ILD would be emphatically concerned by pulmonologists.