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Clin Drug Investig.2024 May;44(5):293-301.


Differential Utility Losses in Herpes Zoster Cases Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Subjects: A Meta-analysis of Three Clinical Trials.

PMID: 38662318




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) is approved in adults for the prevention of herpes zoster. The effect of RZV in moderating the severity of breakthrough cases of herpes zoster has been noted but not explicitly quantified before. In this study, a meta-analysis was undertaken to estimate differential utility losses between unvaccinated (Placebo) and vaccinated (RZV) subjects in breakthrough cases of herpes zoster from three RZV clinical trials.


ZOE-50(NCT01165177),ZOE-70(NCT01165229),ZOE-HSCT(NCT01610414) の各臨床試験から得られた患者データを用いて,両群間の効用損失の差を質調整生存年(QALY)単位で推定した.ランダム効果および固定効果のメタ回帰モデルを用いて、効用損失の差および平均効用損失の比率を解析した。

METHODS: Differential utility losses between the two groups were estimated in units of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), leveraging aggregate patient data from the ZOE-50 (NCT01165177), ZOE-70 (NCT01165229), and ZOE-HSCT (NCT01610414) clinical trials. Differential utility losses and the ratio of mean utility losses were analyzed using random-effects and fixed-effects meta-regression models.



RESULTS: The mean QALY loss differences between the unvaccinated (Placebo) and vaccinated (RZV) groups were 0.008, 0.004, and 0.011 in the ZOE-50, ZOE-70, and ZOE-HSCT studies, respectively, yielding an overall estimated difference of 0.007 (95% confidence interval 0.002-0.012) QALYs. Quality-adjusted life-year loss in the vaccinated group was estimated to be 35.5% of the value in the placebo group. A sensitivity analysis estimated an overall difference of 0.005 (95% confidence interval 0.001-0.009) QALYs, corresponding to 48.6% of the QALY loss value in the placebo group.



CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant zoster vaccine is effective in alleviating disease severity in breakthrough cases of herpes zoster. The results may be useful in distinguishing QALY losses between vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts in health economics studies, particularly cost-effectiveness analyses.

帯状疱疹は、帯状疱疹としても知られ、痛みを伴う発疹を生じ、初回発症後数カ月から数年にわたり痛みが持続することがある。組換え帯状疱疹ワクチンは帯状疱疹の予防に承認されている。重要な遺伝子組換え帯状疱疹ワクチンの臨床試験では、帯状疱疹エピソードが日常生活や全体的な健康関連QOLに与える影響に関するデータが報告されている。本研究では、3つの遺伝子組換え帯状疱疹ワクチン臨床試験のデータを統合し、帯状疱疹エピソードを経験したワクチン接種被験者とワクチン未接種被験者が被るQOLの損失(質調整生存年(Quality-adjusted life years)で測定)を比較した。その結果、ワクチン接種を受けた患者は、ワクチン接種を受けていない患者と比較して、帯状疱疹を発症した際のQOL損失が低いことがわかった。今回の結果は、今後の帯状疱疹ワクチン接種の医療経済学的分析において、ワクチン接種群と未接種群間の質調整生存年損失を評価する上で有用であると考えられる。

Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, may cause painful rashes and persistent pain for months or even years after the initial episode. Recombinant zoster vaccine is approved for the prevention of shingles. Pivotal recombinant zoster vaccine clinical trials have reported data about the impact of shingles episodes on daily activities and overall health-related quality of life. In this work, we combined data from three recombinant zoster vaccine clinical trials and compared the loss in quality of life—measured in quality-adjusted life-years—incurred by vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects who experienced a shingles episode. We found that vaccinated patients experienced lower quality-adjusted life-year losses when they developed shingles compared with unvaccinated patients. Our results may be useful in assessing quality-adjusted life-year losses between vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts in future herpes zoster vaccination health economics analyses.