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J Dent.2024 Apr;:105019.


Comparison of Clinical Efficacy of CAD/CAM Endocrowns Made of Feldspathic, Zirconia Lithium Silicate, and Lithium Disilicate: A Two-year Mixed Cohort Study.

PMID: 38670333




OBJECTIVE: Endocrowns can be fabricated from various materials as a treatment option for endodontically treated teeth. This mixed cohort study aimed to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of endocrowns made of feldspathic, zirconia lithium silicate, and lithium disilicate ceramics using a chairside CAD/CAM system.



METHODS: The present study compared the clinical outcomes of 141 endocrown restorations in posterior teeth of 85 patients in a two-year follow-up. The efficacy of restorations was evaluated in three aspects: esthetics, biological response, and function, with the aid of the FDI guideline, and presented as descriptive analyses. Additionally, the data were analyzed using Chi-square and Spearman correlation tests. The significance level was set at p = 0.05.


本研究の結果、修復物の種類(長石質、ケイ酸ジルコニアリチウム、二ケイ酸リチウム)(p>0.05)および土台となる歯(大臼歯と小臼歯)(p>0.05)は修復物の失敗に関与しないことが明らかになった。う蝕の再発がエンドクラウンの失敗の主な原因である。二次う蝕と放射線透過性は4歯(2.83%)に観察された。126本の修復物(89.36%)の臨床的有効性は、"臨床的に優れている "と "臨床的に良好である "のカテゴリーに分類された。10本の修復物(7.09%)が "臨床的に十分/満足 "に分類され、"臨床的に不満足 "および "臨床的に不良 "であったために交換が必要であった修復物はわずか5本(3.54%)であった。

RESULTS: The study findings revealed that the type of restorations (feldspathic, zirconia lithium silicate, and lithium disilicate) (p > 0.05) and underlying teeth (molars and premolars) (p > 0.05) play no part in restorations' failure. Caries' recurrence is primarily responsible for the failure of the endocrowns. Secondary caries and radiolucency were observed in four teeth (2.83%). The clinical efficacy of 126 restorations (89.36%) fell into the category of "clinically excellent" and "clinically good." Ten restorations (7.09%) were classified as "clinically sufficient/satisfactory," and only five restorations (3.54%) needed replacement due to having "clinically unsatisfactory" and "clinically poor" quality.



CONCLUSIONS: With endocrowns made of the mentioned ceramics showing a high success rate and durability in the short term, they can be considered a safe choice for restoring endodontically treated teeth. It is worth noting that caries were the most common reason for the failure of the restorations.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Endocrowns made of different ceramics have been proven reliable restorations for endodontically treated molars and premolars.