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J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg.2024 Sep;125(4S):101892.


Decompression-first or direct enucleation: The choice of treatment for medium-sized odontogenic jaw cysts.

PMID: 38670344




BACKGROUND: The treatment of medium-sized odontogenic jaw cysts is inconsistent at present. Two main treatments, namely decompression and enucleation, are used overlappingly. This retrospective analysis aims to provide useful references for technique selection for future management of medium-sized odontogenic jaw cysts.



METHODS: Odontogenic cysts with lesion sizes ranging 2-4 cm were included. The clinical and radiological data of the patients were reviewed. Decompression-first and direct enucleation treatments were the two main surgical techniques. The preoperative parameters and postoperative outcomes were compared between the two groups.


対象患者69例中、減圧術群が40例(58%)、直接核出術群が29例(42%)であった。術前パラメーターのロジスティック回帰分析により、最大病変サイズと執刀医の好みが中型嚢胞の手術手技の選択に影響することが示された(P < 0.05)。また、Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve分析により、病変の大きさが2.5cmを超えることが除圧術の選択を予測するための最良のカットオフ値であることが示された。ほとんどの術後転帰は2群間で有意差があった(P < 0.05)。より低リスクの麻酔、より短期間の入院、歯の機能保護、およびより少ない神経感覚障害が減圧術に有利な転帰であった。しかし、経過観察の回数、術後X線検査の回数、術後ケアの期間は減圧術に不利な結果であった。再発率は低く、2群間に有意差はなかった(P > 0.05)。

RESULTS: Out of 69 patients included, 40 (58 %) were in the decompression group and 29 (42 %) in direct enucleation group. The logistic regression analysis of preoperative parameters demonstrated that the maximum lesion size and the chief surgeon's preference could affect the selection of surgical techniques for medium-sized cysts (P < 0.05). Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses demonstrated that a lesion size >2.5 cm was the best cutoff value for predicting a decompression selection. Most postoperative outcomes differed significantly between the two groups (P < 0.05). Lower-risk anesthesia, shorter hospitalization, tooth function protection, and fewer neurosensory impairments were decompression-favoring outcomes. However, more follow-up visits, more postoperative X-rays, and longer postoperative care were outcomes against decompression. The recurrence rate was low and did not differ significantly between the two groups (P > 0.05).



CONCLUSIONS: There is no apparent preference for treating medium-sized jaw cysts. The maximum lesion size is a moderate-impact factor for treatment selection. A tendency to prefer decompression-first with larger lesion size was found in medium-sized jaw cysts. The advantages of teeth preservation and low neurosensory impairment of decompression were verified in the medium-size jaw cysts. The burden of postoperative care should be considered when selecting decompression.