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Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2024 Apr;


The orthodontic extraction of second premolars: The influence on airway volume.

PMID: 38678455




INTRODUCTION: The extraction of second premolars and associated changes in the volume of the airway have not been previously explored. This retrospective study aimed to compare the volumetric changes of the airway preorthodontic and postorthodontic treatment in relevant extraction and control samples and to identify variables that may influence the outcome.



METHODS: Cone-beam computed radiography scans of 54 patients with second premolar extraction and 59 nonextraction patients treated in a private orthodontic practice were matched for crowding. The average age for both samples was 15 years. The images were individually landmarked and measured by applying volumetric, linear, and angular parameters. The results were analyzed using repeated measures, such as variance analysis, correlation testing, and regression statistical analyses.


両群とも気道容積は統計学的に有意に増加した(P<0.05)。両群間の増加量の差は統計的に有意ではなかった。7つの変数が気道容積の変化にまとめて有意な効果を示し(F[7,112]=38.48; P<0.001; r= 0.701)、変動の70%が変数によって予測された。重回帰分析では、最小狭窄面積の変化(B= 32.45; t= 11.95; P<0.001)と気道長の変化(B= 94.75; t= 7.79; P<0.001)が気道容積に統計的に有意な影響を及ぼすことが示された。

RESULTS: There was a statistically significant increase in the airway volume for both groups (P <0.05). The difference in increase between the groups was not statistically significant. Seven variables demonstrated a collectively significant effect on changes to airway volume (F[7,112] = 38.48; P <0.001; r = 0.701), with 70% of the variation predicted by the variables. Multiple regression analyses indicated that changes to the area of minimum constriction (B = 32.45; t = 11.95; P <0.001) and changes to airway length (B = 94.75; t = 7.79; P <0.001) had a statistically significant effect on airway volume.



CONCLUSIONS: The volume of the airway increased in both the extraction and nonextraction samples. The biggest contributors to the increase were an increase in airway length and an increase in the area of minimum constriction, which likely occurred as a result of natural growth.