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Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2024 Apr;


Effects of sterilization, conditioning, and thermal aging on the retention of zirconia hybrid abutments: A laboratory study.

PMID: 38680076




OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of sterilization, conditioning method, and thermal aging on the retentive strength of two-piece zirconia abutments.


合計128本のジルコニア製アバットメントを、コンディショニング・パラメーターによって4群(n=32)に分けた:(A)50μmアルミナ粒子/1.0barを用いた空気磨耗、(B)50μm/2.0bar、(C)100μm/1.0bar、(D)100μm/2.0bar。すべてのアバットメントはDTK接着レジンを用いてチタンベースに接着され、ウォーターバス(37℃)で72時間保存された。各群を2つのサブグループ(n=16)に分け、第1群は消毒を行い、第2群は消毒とオートクレーブ滅菌を行った。各サブグループの半数の検体(n = 8)を直接軸保持試験に供し(N群)、残りの半数をまず150 日のサーモサイクルに供し、その後軸保持試験に供した(T群)。統計解析は三元配置分散分析(three-way ANOVA)を用いて行った。さらに、群間の一対比較を行うために、別々の一元配置分散分析(one-way ANOVA)とTukeyのポストホック検定(post-hoc test)を用いて統計解析を行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In total, 128 stock zirconia abutments were divided into four groups (n = 32) according to the conditioning parameters: (A) air-abrasion using 50 μm alumina particles/1.0 bar, (B) 50 μm/2.0 bar, (C) 100 μm/1.0 bar, and (D) 100 μm/2.0 bar. All abutments were bonded onto titanium bases using DTK adhesive resin and stored in water bath (37°C) for 72 h. Each group was subdivided into two subgroups (n = 16), group 1 was disinfected, whereas group 2 followed disinfection and autoclave sterilization. Half of the specimens of each subgroup (n = 8) was directly subjected to the axial retention test (groups N), while the other half was first subjected to 150 days of thermocycling followed by retention test (groups T). Statistical analysis was performed with three-way ANOVA, additional statistical analysis was performed by using separate one-way ANOVAs followed by the Tukey's post-hoc test for post hoc pairwise comparisons among groups.



RESULTS: The highest median retention strength was recorded for group B2N (1390 N), whereas the lowest strength was recorded for group C1T (688 N). No significant interaction (p ≥ 0.05) was detected between the different variables; conditioning method, sterilization, and the thermal cycling regarding the effect on the resulting retention. However, the sterilization always showed a positive effect. Thermocycling presented an adversely significant effect only in the absence of sterilization (p < 0.05), with the exception of subgroups A. For the sterilized groups, thermocycling had no statistically significant effect on the retention.



CONCLUSION: Steam autoclaving increased the retention of hybrid zirconia abutments. DTK adhesive resin for two-piece zirconia abutments performed well after sterilization and thermocycling.