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Community Dent Health.2024 May;41(2):122-127.


Caries experience, obesity and demographic factors in school children: A cluster analysis.

PMID: 38686750




OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between caries experience, obesity, and socioeconomic and environmental factors in 2, 5 and 12 years-old schoolchildren. Secondarily, the influence of school infrastructure was assessed.


Cajamar市(ブラジル、SP州)の学童1762人の一次データと社会経済的・環境的二次データ(ブラジル国勢調査2010、学校国勢調査、Prova Brasil/2017)を使用した。う蝕および治療経験(dmft/DMFT指標)、歯列咬合、可視バイオフィルム、体重、身長を評価した。

METHODS: Primary data from 1762 schoolchildren from the municipality of Cajamar (SP, Brazil) and socioeconomic and environmental secondary data (Brazilian Census 2010, School Census, Prova Brasil/2017) were used. Caries and treatment experience (dmft/DMFT indices), dental occlusion, visible biofilm, weight and height were assessed.


2歳、5歳、12歳では、それぞれ6.5%、40.2%、46.5%の小児にう蝕経験が認められた。12歳では、Bolsa Família政府プログラムにより経済的に援助されている小児において、より大きなう蝕経験が観察された。体重過多は2歳、5歳、12歳でそれぞれ30%、35%、34%にみられた。2歳と5歳では、う蝕指数が最も高かったのは、不利な社会経済指標(家庭の上下水道、ゴミ収集、識字率、収入)と関連しており、一方、過体重は女性の性別とより良い社会経済的側面と関連していた。12歳時点では、肥満群はdmf+DMFT指数が低く、家庭環境も良好であったが、dmf+DMFT指数が高い群は正常体重児であった。う蝕経験の割合と学校の生徒/従業員比率との間に相関が認められた。

RESULTS: Caries experience was found in 6.5%, 40.2% and 46.5% of children at 2, 5 and 12 years, respectively. At 12y, greater caries experience was observed among children financially assisted by the Bolsa Família governmental program. Excess weight was found in 30%, 35% and 34% at 2, 5 and 12 years. At 2 and 5 years, the highest dental caries indices were associated with disadvantageous socioeconomic indicators (households water supply and sewage system, garbage collection, literate head and income), while overweight was associated with female sex and better socioeconomic aspects. At 12y, the group with obesity was characterized by low dmf+DMFT index and better household aspects, while the group with greater dmf+DMFT index comprised normal-weight children. A correlation between the percentage of caries experience and student/employee ratio of the school was observed.



CONCLUSION: An association between disadvantageous socioeconomic and environmental aspects and dental caries was observed, while obesity was associated with better socioeconomic status of the schoolchildren. While no direct association was found between obesity and dental caries, the results emphasize the influence of socioeconomic/environmental variables on health outcomes.