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In Vivo.2024;38(3):1397-1404.


Honey in Alleviating Severe Oral Mucositis Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy.

PMID: 38688612




BACKGROUND/AIM: Aiming to resolve debates on honey's efficacy for radiotherapy-induced severe oral mucositis in head and neck cancer, we conducted a meta-analysis focused on randomized trials, primarily assessing severe mucositis incidence. Secondary outcomes included weight loss, pain management, and honey types.


PubMed、Embase、WOS、およびCochrane Libraryにおいて、2023年12月までの包括的な文献検索を行った。分析は、粘膜炎の発生率を主要アウトカムとして、蜂蜜の有効性を評価したランダム化比較試験に集中した。追加アウトカムは、体重減少、耐え難い痛み、介入に使用された蜂蜜の種類であった。データ解析はCMAソフトウェアを用いて行い、出版バイアスを同定するために漏斗図を用いた。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, WOS, and the Cochrane Library up to December 2023. The analysis concentrated on randomized controlled trials that assessed the efficacy of honey, targeting the incidence of mucositis as the main outcome. Additional outcomes explored were weight loss, intolerable pain, and the specific types of honey used in interventions. Data analysis was performed using CMA software, and a funnel plot was employed to identify publication bias.



RESULTS: The analysis of 176 records resulted in the inclusion of 10 studies with 599 patients receiving radiotherapy. The research showed that honey significantly reduced the occurrence of grade 3-4 mucositis (severe mucositis), provided significant pain relief, and had a positive effect on reducing weight loss. Regarding the type of honey used, no significant differences were found in their effectiveness in alleviating severe mucositis.



CONCLUSION: Honey serves as an effective intervention for individuals with oral mucositis. It can be considered as an adjuvant in the management of clinical radiotherapy-associated oral mucositis, particularly for patients requiring prolonged use of anti-analgesic or antifungal medications.