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J Contemp Dent Pract.2024 Mar;25(3):236-240.


Salivary Proteinase 3 as a Biomarker for Caries Severity in Children: A Cross-sectional Study.

PMID: 38690696




AIM: This study aims to evaluate the relation between salivary proteinase 3 (PR3) concentration and caries severity in children.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six-to-eight-year age group children, from the Outpatient Department of Pediatric and Preventive dentistry at PMS Dental College were selected for the study. From these children, three groups each consisting of 28 children were selected according to the dental caries severity. Three groups were: (1) No Dental Caries group, (2) Low Dental Caries group with DMFT/DEFT score of 1-4, and (3) High Dental Caries group with DMFT/DEFT score of 5-15. Thus, a total of 84 children who satisfied the inclusion criteria were selected. The concentration of PR3 in saliva of the donors were analyzed using an ELISA kit. One way ANOVA was used for finding the relation of salivary PR3 concentration with caries severity. Pairwise comparison of PR3 concentration and caries severity were analyzed using Tukey test.



RESULTS: Severity of caries and concentration of salivary PR3 showed an inverse relation. As the caries severity increases there was a decrease in PR3 concentration and vice versa.



CONCLUSION: The children with high caries severity showed lower concentration of PR3 in their saliva compared with those with lower caries severity which indicates that PR3 can be used as a biomarker for assessing caries severity and also paves way to use PR3 as a caries vaccine in future. Nowadays, interest toward noninvasive and personalized dentistry has been increased. Molecular assays using salivary biomarkers can be an effective tool in detecting the caries in earlier stages and assessing a patient's caries risk.


唾液中PR3は、う蝕の重症度を評価する予後バイオマーカーとして用いることができ、治療後にはう蝕との関係を確認するための評価ツールとして用いることができる。この論文の引用方法唾液中プロテイナーゼ3は小児のう蝕重症度のバイオマーカーである:A Cross-sectional Study.J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(3):236-240.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Salivary PR3 can be used as prognostic biomarker for assessing caries severity and after treatment the value of PR3 can be used as a assessment tool to confirm its relation with caries. How to cite this article: Karthika S, George S, Soman A, . Salivary Proteinase 3 as a Biomarker for Caries Severity in Children: A Cross-sectional Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(3):236-240.