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J Dent Educ.2024 May;


Dental hygiene students' and recent graduates' intentions, attitudes, and perceptions of academic careers.

PMID: 38695763




PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore dental hygiene students' and recent graduates' awareness, attitudes, perceived barriers, motivators, and intentions to pursue a career in academia as a dental hygiene educator.



METHODS: Cross-sectional survey research was conducted with a non-probability sample of dental hygiene students and recent graduates (n = 451). The survey included sections for familiarity regarding academic careers for dental hygienists, attitudes toward academic careers, barriers and motivating factors for this career path, and future academic career intentions. Analysis included descriptive, correlations, and regression.



RESULTS: Of 451 surveys started, 296 were at least 80% complete for a completion rate of 66%. The most reported barrier to a career in academia was the cost to obtain the required degree to become an educator (67.6%, n = 200), and for motivating factors was a sense of accomplishment (62.8%, n = 186). Regression analysis of likelihood to pursue a higher education degree showed two main predictors; belief that higher education would advance the dental hygiene profession (β = 0.35, p < 0.001) and willingness to take a pay cut to become an educator (β = 0.24, p < 0.001).



CONCLUSIONS: Overall dental hygiene students and recent graduates were familiar with and had a positive view of careers in academia. However, barriers included cost and time for obtaining a higher degree, as well as the pay differential between academia and private practice. The educator shortage in dental hygiene may be alleviated by providing educators with loan forgiveness and offering salaries comparable to clinical practice.