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Support Care Cancer.2024 May;32(5):327.


Preventive and restorative alternatives to caries by irradiation: a scoping review.

PMID: 38702458




PURPOSE: This study is to conduct a comprehensive scoping review to map scientific evidence and clarify concepts regarding the commonly recommended preventive and restorative dental treatments for patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer (HNC) and subjected to radiotherapy.


このシステマティック・スクーピング・レビューは、PRISMA-ScRガイドラインに基づいて実施された。研究の実験計画はOpen Science Frameworkに登録した。放射線量50Gyを超える予防歯科治療および修復歯科治療を評価したin vitro研究を対象とした。検索は2023年11月に5つの電子データベース(PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Embase)で言語や日付の制限なく行った。キーワード、MeSh用語、または同義語に基づいた検索戦略を適用した。記述的分析を行った。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This systematic scoping review was performed under the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The study's experimental design was registered in the Open Science Framework. In vitro studies that evaluated preventive and restorative dental treatment over 50 Gy radiation doses were included. The search was conducted in November 2023 in five electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Embase) without language or date restriction. A search strategy was applied based on keywords, MeSh terms, or synonyms. A descriptive analysis was conducted.


同定された3679の原著論文のうち、合計49の研究が含まれ、レビューされた。そのうち、唾液分泌促進剤を評価した研究は 3 件、フッ化物系予防材料を評価した研究は 35 件であった:ジェル(n=18)歯磨剤(n=11)洗口剤(n=8)ワニス(n=5)、修復材料を評価した研究は 14 件であった:レジン系コンポジットレジン(n=12)グラスアイオノマーセメント(n=6)アマルガム(n=1)。

RESULTS: A total of 49 studies, out of 3679 original articles identified, were included and reviewed. Of the included studies, three evaluated saliva stimulants and 35 evaluated fluoride-based preventive materials: gel (n = 18) toothpaste (n = 11) mouth rinse (n = 8) and varnish (n = 5) while 14 evaluated restorative materials: resin composite (n = 12) glass ionomer cement (n = 6) and amalgam (n = 1) Of those studies, 36 were clinical trials and 13 were in vitro studies.



CONCLUSION: Fluoride gel was the most frequently recommended preventive material for preventing radiation caries with supportive clinical evidence. Resin composite and glass ionomer were the most frequently used restorative materials, respectively. However, there is not yet clinical evidence to support the use of resin composite in irradiated teeth.