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Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol.2024 May;


Descriptive analysis of incidence and risk factors for short intramedullary nail breakage in femoral intertrochanteric fractures: a multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study.

PMID: 38713443




BACKGROUND: The incidence of hip fractures is increasing. Femoral intertrochanteric fractures make up 50% of hip fractures and are treated by intramedullary nails. Implant breakage is a recognized complication that can have rare and serious implications. This study aimed to investigate implant breakage rates after surgical treatment for femoral intertrochanteric fractures.



METHODS: This was a retrospective multicenter analysis. All 1854 patients who underwent surgical treatment for femoral intertrochanteric fractures were selected from 12 hospitals (TRON group) between 2016 and 2020. Exclusion criteria included implants other than those specified and follow-up periods less than three months. Demographic data, surgical details, and radiographic assessments were collected from medical records and X-ray evaluations.



RESULTS: Among the 983 study patients, consisting of 245 males (24.9%) and 738 females (75.1%), the implant breakage rate was 0.31%, with three confirmed cases. The average age was 83.9 years. The mean follow-up period was 640.9 days. Two cases were linked to ASULOCK implants, and one to an OLSII implant. Statistical analysis showed a significantly higher incidence of ASULOCK implant breakage (p < 0.001). In the two cases of ASULOCK implant breakage and one case of OLSII implant breakage, breakage in all three implants occurred at the anti-rotation screws.


インプラント本体の破損はなく、破損はすべて追加の回転防止スクリューで発生した。アンチ・ローテーション・スクリューの必要性については、 さらに議論が必要である。これらの結果は、インプラントの破損を予防するため の臨床的判断やさらなる研究の指針になる可能性がある。

CONCLUSIONS: There were no implant breakages of the main body of the implants; all breakages occurred in the additional anti-rotation screw. The necessity of the anti-rotation screw will require further discussion. These results can potentially inform clinical decisions and guide further research in preventing implant breakage.