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Evid Based Dent.2024 May;


Antibiotic prophylaxis may effectively reduce early failures after beginner-conducted dental implant surgery.

PMID: 38720022




STUDY DESIGN: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.



OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of antibiotic prophylaxis on postoperative recovery and implant short-term survival in clinically healthy patients who underwent placement of 2-4 dental implants by inexperienced operators.


本研究はヘルシンキ宣言の倫理指針を遵守し、無作為化比較試験(RCT)のCONSORTプロトコルに従った。すべての患者から署名入りの同意書が提出された。対象は18歳以上の健常者で、歯槽骨稜が十分かつ完全に治癒しており(少なくとも3ヵ月前に抜歯を受けている)、2~4本のインプラント埋入を必要とし、ASA IまたはIIに分類される患者とした。除外基準は、全身性疾患、ペニシリンに対する過敏症、妊娠中または授乳中、喫煙、最近の抗生物質の使用、歯周炎の既往であった。患者は無作為に2群に振り分けられ、抗生物質群には手術1時間前にアモキシシリン1gが投与され、プラセボ群には抗生物質と同じ見た目のデンプン入りカプセルが投与された。すべてのインプラントは、インプラント手術の専門コースの学生によって、標準化された手順と器具を用いて、2段階の手順で装着された。各患者は、術前、術後2日目、7日目に、開口度、経験した痛み(視覚的アナログスケールを使用)、感染の兆候(瘻孔、創潰瘍、組織壊死、フラップ剥離、化膿性滲出液)について評価された。インプラントの生存率は、インプラント手術後90日までモニターされた。

METHODS: The study adhered to the ethical guidelines of the Helsinki declaration, and followed the CONSORT protocol for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Signed consent forms were provided by all patients. Included were healthy individuals aged over 18 years, with sufficient and fully healed alveolar ridge (undergone extraction at least 3 months prior), requiring placement of 2-4 dental implants, and were classified as ASA I or II. Exclusion criteria were: systemic diseases, hypersensitivity to penicillin, pregnancy or lactation, smoking, recent antibiotic usage, and history of periodontitis. Patients were randomly allocated into 2 groups: the antibiotic group received 1 g of amoxicillin one hour before surgery, while the placebo group was given starch-filled capsules that looked identical to the antibiotic. All implants were installed through 2-stage procedures by students of a specialization course in implant surgery, employing a standardized procedure and armamentarium. Each patient was evaluated preoperatively, and at 2 days and 7 days postoperatively, for the following parameters: mouth opening, experienced pain (using a visual analog scale), and signs of infection (fistula, wound ulceration, tissue necrosis, flap dehiscence, and purulent exudates). Implant survival was monitored for up to 90 days after implant surgery.



RESULTS: A total of 90 patients (224 implants) were included: 43 patients (108 implants) in the antibiotic group, and 47 patients (116 implants) in the placebo group. Overall, there were 58 women and 32 men, aged from 23 to 70 years old. In terms of mouth opening, pain, and infection parameters, no statistically significant differences were observed between the groups at any of the time points evaluated. Similarly, there was no statistically significant difference regarding antibiotic usage and implant loss at the patient level (p = 0.06). However, at the implant level, significantly higher implant loss rate was noted in the placebo group (14.9%) compared to the antibiotic group (2.3%) [p < 0.05].



CONCLUSION: Prophylactic antibiotic administration effectively reduced the occurrence of implant loss after implant surgery performed by inexperienced practitioners.