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Int J Esthet Dent.2024 May;19(2):112-124.

BOPT(Biologically Oriented Preparation Technique)法による固定式補綴における歯肉退縮の予防。5~13年間の追跡後方視的研究

The biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT) approach for preventing gingival recessions in fixed prosthodontics. A 5- to 13-year follow-up retrospective study.

PMID: 38726854



本研究は、BOPT(biologically oriented preparation technique)の原則に従って固定式補綴物によるリハビリを行った患者の臨床結果について、中長期的な追跡調査を行ったものである。

AIM: The present study was a retrospective medium- to long-term follow-up assessment of the clinical outcomes of patients rehabilitated with fixed prostheses according to the biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT) principles.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical records of patients rehabilitated between January 2007 and December 2014 were retrospectively assessed. Patients whose records met the inclusion criteria were also recalled for a hygiene visit. Data analyzed included the patients' periodontal condition, the presence of gingival recessions as well as any technical or biologic prosthetic complication.



RESULTS: Fifty-eight patients were recalled; of these, 52 patients who had received 220 crowns were available for the evaluation (the dropout being 13.8%). The average follow-up was 9.3 years (range 5 to 13 years): 14 patients (114 prosthetic crowns) had a follow-up between 5 and 8 years, and 36 patients (106 prosthetic crowns) between 9 and 13 years. The prosthetic survival rate was 99.6%. One radicular fracture (0.4%) and four chippings of the veneering porcelain (1.8%) were recorded. Six teeth (2.7% of the examined prosthetic crowns) presented gingival recession of < 1 mm, and 13 teeth (24 sites) had a pocket probing depth of 4 mm (5.9% of the prosthetic crowns/1.8% of the sites). Finally, 20 sites (1.5%) in seven teeth (3.2%) showed bleeding on probing.


BOPT の原則(垂直的なフィニッシングライン)に従った歯牙前処置は、中長期的な歯周の健康と歯肉組織の安定をもたらし、補綴物の成功率は維持された。

CONCLUSIONS: Tooth preparation according to the BOPT principles (ie, with a vertical finishing line) resulted in medium- to long-term periodontal health and stability of the gingival tissue, and prosthetic success was maintained.