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BMC Oral Health.2024 May;24(1):567.


The relationship between dental anxiety and oral health literacy with oral health-related quality of life.

PMID: 38745147




BACKGROUND AND AIM: Dental anxiety is a prevalent issue in society, characterized by an uneasy sensation and anticipation of negative experiences in dental settings. In essence, dental anxiety, oral health literacy, and quality of life may have a relationship with each other, however, there is a shortage of evidence examining the interplay between these factors. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the relationship between dental anxiety and oral health literacy (OHL) with oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL).


本研究は、口腔顎顔面疾患科に紹介された155名の患者を対象に実施した分析的横断研究である。不安、ヘルスリテラシー、および口腔保健に関連するQOLを測定するために、歯科不安尺度、口腔保健影響プロフィール14、および口腔保健リテラシー成人質問票からなる3つの質問票を使用した。スコアを記録し、独立標本T検定およびANOVAを用いてIBM SPSS 24ソフトウェアで分析した。さらに、モデルの適合度指数による確認的モデリングを適用した。

METHODS: This is an analytical cross-sectional study conducted on 155 patients referred to the Department of Oromaxillofacial Diseases. Three questionnaires consisting of dental anxiety scale, oral health impact profile- 14, and oral health literacy adult questionnaire were used to measure anxiety, health literacy, and the quality of life-related to oral health. Scores were recorded and analyzed by IBM SPSS 24 software using independent samples T-test and ANOVA. Besides, the confirmatory modeling through the goodness of fit index of the model was applied.



RESULTS: This study involved 155 participants, with a mean age of 38.44 ± 14 years. The majority were females, comprising 99 individuals (63.9%). In this study, 89 patients (57.4%) had dental anxiety. The mean OHL score in the examined participants was 9.88 ± 3.97. Both factors of anxiety (p < 0.001) and OHL (p = 0.012) had a significant effect on the OHRQOL. There was no significant difference in the mean OHRQOL among the three categories of OHL (p = 0.085). The confirmatory modeling showed that only the fourth (p = 0.065) and fifth (p = 0.146) questions of the OHL questionnaire had no significant effect on the total score of OHL. Besides, both factors of anxiety (p < 0.001) and OHL (p = 0.012) had a significant effect on OHRQOL. With an increase of one unit in anxiety, the OHRQOL score increases by 0.31 and for a one-unit increase in the OHL score, the OHRQOL score decreases by 0.66 units.



CONCLUSION: In conclusion, it seems that considering various dimensions of oral and dental health can help patients to have reduced psychological anxiety. Notably, further multicenter studies assessing diverse variables related to dental anxiety, OHL, and OHRQOL, and considering more comprehensive study designs with longitudinal follow-up could help provide insights into how changes in dental anxiety and OHL over time affect OHRQOL.