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Head Face Med.2024 May;20(1):30.


Accuracy of dynamic navigation compared to static surgical guides and the freehand approach in implant placement: a prospective clinical study.

PMID: 38745297




BACKGROUND: Computer-guided implant surgery has improved the quality of implant treatment by facilitating the placement of implants in a more accurate manner. This study aimed to assess the accuracy of implant placement in a clinical setting using three techniques: dynamic navigation, static surgical guides, and freehand placement. We also investigated potential factors influencing accuracy to provide a comprehensive evaluation of each technique's advantages and disadvantages.


この前向き研究には、65名の患者の94本のインプラントが組み 込まれた。患者は、ダイナミックナビゲーション、スタティックサージカルガイド、フリーハンド埋入の3群に無作為に割り付けられた。インプラントの埋入は、補綴物指向のデジタル・インプラント・プランニング・アプローチを用いて行い、術後のCBCTスキャンを術前のプランに重ね合わせて精度を測定した。角度偏差、プラットフォーム偏差、アピカル偏差を含む7つの偏差値が算出された。人口統計学的分析と整合性分析を行い、 偏差値については一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)と事後検定 を行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety-four implants in 65 patients were included in this prospective study. Patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: dynamic navigation, static surgical guides, or freehand placement. Implants were placed using a prosthetically oriented digital implant planning approach, and postoperative CBCT scans were superimposed on preoperative plans to measure accuracy. Seven deviation values were calculated, including angular, platform, and apical deviations. Demographic and consistency analyses were performed, along with one-way ANOVA and post-hoc tests for deviation values.


ダイナミックナビゲーション群におけるglobal platform、global apical、angular deviationの平均値は0.99mm(SD 0.52)、1.14mm(SD 0.56)、3.66°(SD 1.64°)であった。36)、1.06mm(SD 0.47)、2.52°(SD 1.18°)、フリーハンド群では1.36mm(SD 0.62)、1.73mm(SD 0.66)、5.82°(SD 2.79°)であった。ダイナミックナビゲーション群、サージカルガイド群ともに、フリーハンド群と比較して、深さ方向のずれを除くすべての値で統計学的に有意な差が認められた(p<0.05)。

RESULTS: The mean global platform, global apical, and angular deviations were 0.99 mm (SD 0.52), 1.14 mm (SD 0.56), and 3.66° (SD 1.64°) for the dynamic navigation group; 0.92 mm (SD 0.36), 1.06 mm (SD 0.47), and 2.52° (SD 1.18°) for the surgical guide group; and 1.36 mm (SD 0.62), 1.73 mm (SD 0.66), and 5.82° (SD 2.79°) for the freehand group. Both the dynamic navigation and surgical guide groups exhibited statistically significant differences in all values except depth deviations compared to the freehand group (p < 0.05), whereas only the angular deviation showed a significant difference between the dynamic navigation and surgical guide groups (p = 0.002).



CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the superior accuracy and consistency of dynamic navigation and static surgical guides compared to freehand placement in implant surgery. Dynamic navigation offers precision and flexibility. However, it comes with cost and convenience considerations. Future research should focus on improving its practicality.


本研究は、タイ臨床試験登録(Thai Clinical Trials Register-Medical Research Foundation of Thailand:MRF)にレトロスペクティブに登録され、TCTR識別番号TCTR20230804001で2023年08月04日に登録された。また、本臨床試験はヘルシンキ宣言に従って実施され、中国西安市の西安交通大学口腔科病院の施設倫理委員会(xjkqII[2021]No: 043)により承認された。参加者全員から書面によるインフォームド・コンセントを得た。

TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was retrospectively registered at the Thai Clinical Trials Register-Medical Research Foundation of Thailand (MRF) with the TCTR identification number TCTR20230804001 on 04/08/2023. It was also conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the institutional ethics committee at the Xian Jiaotong University Hospital of Stomatology, Xian, China (xjkqII[2021] No: 043). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.