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Evid Based Dent.2024 May;

恐怖におびえる幼児の小さな歯 - 小児歯科恐怖症と不安症の世界的有病率は?

Tiny teeth in terrified tots - what is the global prevalence of paediatric dental fear and anxiety?

PMID: 38762555




AIMS: To establish the worldwide prevalence of paediatric dental fear and anxiety (DFA) and its associated components.


2000年以降のよく知られた3つの英語論文データベースで発見された25の観察研究の系統的レビューおよびメタアナリシス。小児の歯科恐怖、不安、恐怖症に関する2895の研究が同定された。25件が組み入れ基準を満たし、Joanna Briggs Instituteの質評価ツールにかけられ、その後PRISMAの枠組みを用いて分析された。2~6歳の小児のDFAレベルを調査した研究が対象とされた。英語で発表されていない研究、知的障害を含む「特別なニーズ」を持つ小児を含む研究、DFA介入を検討した研究は除外した。収録された研究のうち、原産国、DFA有病率、参加者の年齢、研究デザイン、サンプルサイズ、評価方法、子どものDFAレベルを報告した人について記録した。

DESIGN: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 25 observational studies found on three well known English language publication databases dating from 2000. 2895 studies were identified relating to paediatric dental fear, anxiety, or phobia. 25 met the inclusion criteria and were subject to the Joanna Briggs Institute quality assessment tool and subsequently analysed using PRISMA framework. Studies exploring levels of DFA in children 2-6 years old were included. Studies were excluded if they were not published in English, included children with 'special needs' including intellectual disabilities, and studies which explored DFA intervention. Of the included studies, the following was recorded: Country of Origin, DFA prevalence, age of participants, study design, sample size, assessment method and who reported on the level of DFA of the child.


2~6歳の小児のDFA有病率は30%(95%CI=25, 36)と推定された。歯科治療経験のない小児とう蝕経験のある小児は、それぞれDFAを経験する確率が高い(OR=1.37、95%CI=1.18、1.59)、(OR=1.18、95%CI=1.09、1.27)ことがわかった。

RESULTS: The pooled level of DFA of children aged 2-6 was estimated to be 30% (95% CI = 25, 36). Children with no dental experience and children with caries experience were found to have higher odds of experiencing DFA (OR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.18, 1.59) and (OR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.09, 1.27), respectively.



CONCLUSION: This review shows that approximately 30% of 2-6-year-old children will experience a level of dental and anxiety. Levels are expected to be higher in children who have not visited the dentist and children with dental caries.