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J Dent.2024 Jul;146:105067.


Aesthetic outcomes of different materials for delayed, single-tooth restorations for immediately placed implants. A randomized controlled clinical trial.

PMID: 38763385




OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to compare the aesthetic outcomes of metal porcelain (C), lithium disilicate (T1) and porcelain-layered zirconium (T2) immediate implant-supported single crowns in the anterior maxilla.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-five immediate dental implants were provided for 45 patients that required the extraction of a single tooth in the anterior maxilla. A temporary prosthesis was provided at 8 weeks after placement followed by the final prosthesis at 24 weeks post-implantation. The patients were randomly allocated into 3 groups: 15 patients in the control group (C) received a metal-porcelain restoration, 15 patients (T1) received a lithium disilicate (LD) restoration and 15 patients (T2) received a porcelain-layered, zirconium (Z) restoration. Pink (PES) and White (WES) esthetic scores, radiographic bone levels, periodontal parameters and patient's esthetic satisfaction using a visual analogue scale (VAS) were evaluated at the time of final restoration placement (t0) and at 12-months post-loading (t12).


本研究期間中、インプラントの喪失はなかった。T1群とC群、T1群とT2群では、それぞれ統計的に有意に高いWESスコアとVASスコア(p < 0.05)が記録された。X線写真による骨レベルおよび歯周病パラメータは全群で同程度であった。

RESULTS: No implants were lost during the duration of this study. Statistically significant higher WES and VAS scores (p < 0.05) were recorded in T1 vs C and T1 vs T2 groups respectively. Similar radiographic bone levels and periodontal parameters were recorded in all groups.



CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that T1 restorations provided better WES outcomes when compared to C restorations and better VAS scores when compared to T2 restorations at 12 months post-loading. Besides, different material interphases did not have an impact in PES, bone levels or periodontal parameters.


異なるセラミック材料で作製されたインプラント支台歯単冠の審美的な結 果を、受け入れられ、比較可能な指標に基づいて比較したデータは限られてお り、また、これらの審美的な結果に関する患者の視点の評価も限られている。

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There is limited data comparing aesthetic outcomes of implant supported single crowns made of different ceramic materials based on accepted and comparable indexes and the evaluation of the patient's perspective regarding these aesthetic outcomes.