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J Prosthet Dent.2024 May;

3Dプリント歯冠とミルド歯冠の精度と適合性は異なるか?in vitro研究のシステマティックレビューとメタアナリシス

Do 3D-printed and milled tooth-supported complete monolithic zirconia crowns differ in accuracy and fit? A systematic review and meta-analysis of in vitro studies.

PMID: 38772783




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Additive (3-dimensional printing) and subtractive (milling) methods are digital approaches to fabricating zirconia restorations. Comparisons of their resultant fabrication accuracy and restoration fit are lacking.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the accuracy and fit of monolithic zirconia crowns fabricated by 3-dimensional printing and milling.


PubMed(Medline)、Scopus、Embase、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Google Scholarの各データベースを2023年8月まで検索した。適格な記録を対象とし、標準化平均差(SMD)により4つのアウトカム(マージナルフィット、インタリオフィット、真度、精度)を分析した。出版バイアスはTrim-and-fill、Egger回帰検定、Begg funnel plotで解析した。方法論の質はQUINツールを用いて評価した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The PubMed (Medline), Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar databases were searched up to August 2023. Eligible records were included, and the standardized mean difference (SMD) analyzed 4 outcomes: marginal fit, intaglio fit, trueness, and precision. Publication bias was analyzed with Trim-and-fill, the Egger regression test, and Begg funnel plot. Methodological quality was rated using the QUIN tool.


最初の6539件の記録のうち、合計15件の論文が適格であることが判明した。3次元印刷群では、限界適合度(SMD=1.46, 95% CI=[0.67, 2.26], P<.001; I=83%, P<.001)と真度(SMD=0.69, 95% CI=[0.67, 2.26], P<.001)が低かった。69, 95% CI=[0.20, 1.18], P=.006; I=88%, P<.001)、精度は有意に高かった(SMD=-2.19, 95% CI=[-2.90, -1.48], P<.001; I=56%, P=.045)。凹版適合性は、研究グループ間で有意差はなかった(SMD=0.77, 95% CI=[-0.22, 1.77], P=.127; I=87%, P<.001)。

RESULTS: A total of 15 publications were found eligible out of the initial 6539 records. The 3-dimensional printing group demonstrated a lower marginal fit (SMD=1.46, 95% CI=[0.67, 2.26], P<.001; I=83%, P<.001) and trueness (SMD=0.69, 95% CI=[0.20, 1.18], P=.006; I=88%, P<.001) and a significantly higher precision (SMD=-2.19, 95% CI=[-2.90, -1.48], P<.001; I=56%, P=.045). The intaglio fit did not differ significantly across the study groups (SMD=0.77, 95% CI=[-0.22, 1.77], P=.127; I=87%, P<.001).



CONCLUSIONS: Given the high degree of heterogeneity, it can be cautiously concluded that while 3-dimensional printing led to greater precision, the outcomes of the 2 accuracy and adaptation parameters most crucial to the longevity of the restorations-trueness and marginal fit-showed the superiority of the milling technique.