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J Adhes Dent.2024 Jan;26(1):147-170.


The Influence of Erbium Laser Pretreatment on Dentin Shear Bond Strength and Bond Failure Modes: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.

PMID: 38785223




PURPOSE: To systematically review in-vitro studies that evaluated the influence of erbium laser pretreatment on dentin shear bond strength (SBS) and bond failure modes.


電子データベース(PubMed、Cochrane Central、Embase、Web of Science)を検索した。象牙質表面へのエルビウムレーザー照射と接着レジンブロックのSBS試験を含むin-vitro試験のみを対象とした。接着破壊の3つの一般的なモード(1.接着性、2.凝集性、3.混合性)を観察し、分析した。ネットワークメタ解析(NMA)はStata 15.0ソフトウェアで行い、バイアスのリスクを評価し、エビデンスの確実性はCINeMA(Confidence in Network Meta-analysis)で評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Electronic databases (PubMed, Cochrane Central, Embase, and Web of Science) were searched. Only in-vitro studies involving erbium laser irradiation of the dentin surface and SBS testing of the bonded resin block were included. The three common modes of bond failure (1. adhesive, 2. cohesive, and 3. mixed) were observed and analyzed. The network meta-analysis (NMA) was performed by Stata 15.0 software, the risk of bias was evaluated, and the certainty of the evidence was assessed by the Confidence in Network Meta-analysis (CINeMA).


9つの前処置(1.ブランク群:リン酸エッチアンドリンス:ER; 3. セルフエッチアドヒーシブ:SE; 4:SE; 4. Er:YAGレーザー:EL;5.Er,Cr:YSGGレーザー:ECL;6.ER+EL;7.ER+ECL;8.SE+EL;9.SE+ECL)がこの解析に含まれた。SBSのNMAでは、ER+EL[SMD=0.32、95%CI(0.11、0.98)]がERに次いでSBSが高く、特に3M ESPE接着剤のいずれかを使用した場合、EL、ECL、SE、SE+ELと続いた。Ivoclar Vivadent接着剤は、ECLのSBSを有意に増加させ[SMD=0.37、95% CI (0.16,0.90)]、ER+EL[SMD=0.25、95% CI (0.07,0.85)]よりも高かった。最後に、累積順位曲線下表面(SUCRA)値から、ER+EL(SUCRA=71.0%)およびEL(SUCRA=62.9%)は、ER以外に象牙質SBSを増強する最良の治療法であることが示された。ER+EL(SUCRA=85.3%)、ER(SUCRA=83.7%)、ER(SUCRA=84.3%)は、それぞれ接着性、凝集性、混合性の破壊モードで発生する確率が最も高かった。

RESULTS: Forty studies with nine pretreatments (1. blank group: BL; 2. phosphoric acid etch-and-rinse: ER; 3. self-etch adhesive: SE; 4. Er:YAG laser: EL; 5. Er,Cr:YSGG laser: ECL; 6. ER+EL; 7. ER+ECL; 8. SE+EL; 9. SE+ECL) were included in this analysis. The NMA of SBS showed that ER+EL [SMD = 0.32, 95% CI (0.11, 0.98)] had the highest SBS next to ER, especially when using one of the 3M ESPE adhesives, followed by EL, ECL, SE and SE+EL. The Ivoclar Vivadent adhesives significantly increased the SBS of the ECL [SMD = 0.37, 95% CI (0.16,0.90)] and was higher than ER+EL [SMD = 0.25,95% CI (0.07,0.85)]. Finally, the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) value indicated that ER+EL (SUCRA = 71.0%) and EL (SUCRA = 62.9%) were the best treatments for enhancing dentin SBS besides ER. ER+EL (SUCRA = 85.3%), ER (SUCRA = 83.7%) and ER (SUCRA = 84.3%) had the highest probability of occurring in adhesive, cohesive and mixed failure modes, respectively.



CONCLUSION: Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers improved dentin SBS compared to the blank group, especially when the acid etch-and-rinse pretreatment was combined with Er:YAG laser. Shear bond strength and failure mode do not appear to be directly related.