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J Funct Biomater.2024 Apr;15(5).


Effect of the Inter-Tooth Distance and Proximal Axial Wall Height of Prepared Teeth on the Scanning Accuracy of Intraoral Scanners.

PMID: 38786627


本研究は,準備歯の近心軸方向壁の高さと隣接歯と準備歯の距離が口腔内スキャナーのスキャン精度に及ぼす影響を分析することを目的とした.上顎第一大臼歯にジルコニアクラウンを装着するために作製した10個の作業用模型を歯科医院から無作為に入手した.10個のギプスそれぞれを2台の口腔内スキャナー(i700;MEDITおよびCS3600;Carestream;コンピュータ支援設計[CAD]テストモデル、CTM;1作業ギプスあたりN=15)を用いてスキャンした。スキャナー1台につき15回使用した。準備した歯の個々の型を作製し、ラボ用スキャナー(CAD参照模型、CRM、N = 1)を使用して高精度のスキャンデータを取得した。3次元検査ソフトウェア(Ver 2018.1.0; Control X; 3D Systems)を用いて,CRMの支台歯に対するCTMの位置合わせを行った.データは、群間比較のために独立t検定および一元配置分散分析を用いて統計的に分析した(α=0.05)。準備した歯の近心領域(近心または遠心)の不正確さは、頬側および舌側領域の不正確さよりも高かった(< 0.05)。また,隣接歯と支台歯の距離が2.0 mm以上,支台歯の近心軸方向壁の高さが3.0 mm未満の場合,スキャン精度と変数との相関は認められなかった(>0.05).したがって,隣接歯と支台歯間の距離が2.0 mm以上,支台歯の近心軸方向壁高さが3.0 mm未満の場合,口腔内スキャナーを用いた優れたスキャン精度が得られる.

This study aimed to analyze the effect of the height of the proximal axial wall of the prepared tooth and the distance between the adjacent tooth and the prepared tooth on the scan accuracy of intraoral scanners. Ten working casts with maxillary first molars prepared to receive zirconia crowns were randomly obtained from a dental clinic. Each of the 10 casts was scanned using two intraoral scanners (i700; MEDIT and CS3600; Carestream; computer-aided design [CAD] test model, CTM; N = 15 per working cast) 15 times per scanner. Individual dies of the prepared teeth were fabricated, and high-precision scan data were acquired using a laboratory scanner (CAD reference model, CRM; N = 1). CTMs were aligned relative to the prepared tooth of CRMs by using three-dimensional inspection software (Ver 2018.1.0; Control X; 3D Systems). Data were statistically analyzed using an independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance for between-group comparisons (α = 0.05). The inaccuracy in the proximal regions (mesial or distal) of the prepared tooth was higher than that in the buccal and lingual regions ( < 0.05). The scan accuracy was not correlated with the variables when the distance between the adjacent tooth and the prepared tooth was ≥2.0 mm and the height of the proximal axial wall of the prepared tooth was <3.0 mm ( > 0.05). Therefore, an excellent scan accuracy can be obtained using an intraoral scanner when the distance between the adjacent tooth and the prepared tooth is ≥2.0 mm and the proximal axial wall height of the prepared tooth is <3.0 mm.