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Clin Oral Investig.2024 May;28(6):336.


Dental implant and abutment in PEEK: stress assessment in single crown retainers on anterior region.

PMID: 38795258




OBJECTIVE: Stress distribution assessment by finite elements analysis in poly(etheretherketone) (PEEK) implant and abutment as retainers of single crowns in the anterior region.


チタン(Ti)、ジルコニア(Zr)、純PEEK(PEEKp)、炭素繊維強化PEEK(PEEKc)、ガラス繊維強化PEEK(PEEKg)のインプラント/アバットメント製造材料を変え、5つの3Dモデルを作成した。50Nの荷重を上顎中切歯の切歯縁の軸から30°ずらした位置に加えた。アバットメント、インプラント/スクリューのVon Mises応力(σvM)、皮質骨と海綿骨の最小主応力(σmin)と最大せん断応力(τmax)を評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five 3D models were created, varying implant/abutment manufacturing materials: titanium (Ti), zirconia (Zr), pure PEEK (PEEKp), carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK (PEEKc), glass fiber-reinforced PEEK (PEEKg). A 50 N load was applied 30 off-axis at the incisal edge of the upper central incisor. The Von Mises stress (σvM) was evaluated on abutment, implant/screw, and minimum principal stress (σmin) and maximum shear stress (τmax) for cortical and cancellous bone.



RESULTS: The abutment σvM lowest stress was observed in PEEKp group, being 70% lower than Ti and 74% than Zr. On the implant, PEEKp reduced 68% compared to Ti and a 71% to Zr. In the abutment screws, an increase of at least 33% was found in PEEKc compared to Ti, and of at least 81% to Zr. For cortical bone, the highest τmax values were in the PEEKp group, and a slight increase in stress was observed compared to all PEEK groups with Ti and Zr. For σmin, the highest stress was found in the PEEKc. Stress increased at least 7% in cancellous bone for all PEEK groups.



CONCLUSION: Abutments and implants made by PEEKc concentrate less σvM stress, transmitting greater stress to the cortical and medullary bone.


PEEKc製コンポーネントの応力分布が最良であることが、応力遮蔽能の低下に寄与している可能性があるため、in vitroおよびin vivoでの研究が推奨される。

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The best stress distribution in PEEKc components may contribute to decreased stress shielding; in vitro and in vivo research is recommended to investigate this.