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J Dent.2024 May;147:105099.


Restorations performance after selective caries removal to soft dentine: 18-month follow-up of a controlled clinical trial.

PMID: 38797489




OBJECTIVE: This randomized controlled clinical trial aimed to evaluate the clinical performance of composite resin restorations placed after selective caries removal to soft dentin (SCRSD) or stepwise excavation (SW) over an 18-month period.


永久歯大臼歯および/または小臼歯に深いう蝕病変(象牙質厚の50%以上)を有する患者を対象とした。歯はSCRSD(n=76)またはSW(n=76)に供された。評価はFDI(世界歯科連盟)の基準に基づいて行われた。修復物の生存期間と臨床変数および社会人口統計学的特性との関連を推定するために生存分析を行った(調整ワイブル回帰モデル)。本研究はRegistro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (ReBEC 65ntbc)に登録された。

METHODS: Inclusion criteria were patients with permanent molars and/or premolars presenting deep caries lesions (≥50 % of the dentin thickness). Teeth were submitted to SCRSD (n = 76) or SW (n = 76). Evaluations were performed based on FDI (World Dental Federation) criterion. Survival analysis was performed to estimate the survival of restorations and its association with clinical variables and socio-demographic characteristics (adjusted Weibull regression model). The study was registered on Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (ReBEC 65ntbc).


追跡期間は6~18ヵ月(平均±SD16.3±3.4ヵ月)であった。患者の年齢は9~55歳(平均±SD 29±10.5歳)。101人の患者の合計135歯(SCRSD = 72; SW = 63)が評価された。失敗例は、SCRSD群で4例(補綴が必要な欠損2例、修復が必要な辺縁破折2例)、SW群で2例(修復が必要な破折)であった。説明変数と修復失敗の関連は、SW(99.4%)とSCRSD(97.9%)で同程度の成功率を示した(p = 0.16)。歯肉炎を呈している患者(歯肉からの出血部位が20%以上)は、出血部位が20%未満の患者よりも失敗のリスクが8.50倍高かった(p = 0.03)。

RESULTS: The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 18 months (mean ± SD 16.3 ± 3.4 months). Patients' ages ranged from 9 to 55 years (mean ± SD 29 ± 10.5 years). A total of 135 teeth (SCRSD = 72; SW = 63) from 101 patients were evaluated. There were 4 failures in the SCRSD group (2 loss of restoration in need of replacement and 2 marginal fractures in need of repair) and 2 in the SW group (fracture in need of repair). The association between explanatory variables and restoration failure showed similar success rates for SW (99.4 %) and SCRSD (97.9 %) (p = 0.16). Patients presenting gingivitis (≥20 % of sites with gingival bleeding) had 8.50 times more risk for failure than those with <20 % of bleeding sites (p = 0.03).



CONCLUSION: This study showed that placing a composite resin restoration over soft dentin (after SCRSD) did not affect its clinical performance after 18 months.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: SCRSD is a feasible treatment option for the management of deep caries lesions in permanent teeth as it preserves tooth vitality and tooth structure without compromising restoration longevity.