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Korean J Orthod.2024 May;54(3):160-170.


Accuracy of orthodontic movements with 3D printed aligners: A prospective observational pilot study.

PMID: 38800861




OBJECTIVE: Owing to the availability of 3D software, scanners, and printers, clinicians are encouraged to produce in-office aligners. Recently, a new directprinting resin (Tera Harz TC-85DAC) has been introduced. Studies on its mechanical characteristics and biological effects have been published; however, evidence on its efficacy in orthodontic treatment remains scarce. This pilot study aimed to investigate the accuracy of teeth movement achieved with directprinted aligners.


平均年齢27.67±8.95歳、歯列回転角30°未満、スペース/叢生5mm未満の患者17名(男性8名、女性9名)を本研究の対象とした。歯の移動は、T0デジタルデンタルキャストから開始されました。3Dダイレクトプリントアライナーは、テラハルツTC-85DACレジンを用いて製作された。矯正治療が完了すると、最終的なデジタルギプスが得られた(T1)。その後、T0とT1のデジタル模型に計画された歯の位置を重ね合わせました。プログラムされた動きと、達成された全体的なトルク、先端、回転、および横方向寸法との差は、paired t testまたはWilcoxonの符号付き順位検定を用いて評価した。

METHODS: Seventeen patients (eight males and nine females) with a mean age of 27.67 ± 8.95 years, presenting with dental rotations < 30° and spaces/crowding < 5 mm, were recruited for this study. The teeth movement was planned starting from a T0 digital dental cast. The 3D direct-printed aligners were produced using Tera Harz TC-85DAC resin. Once the orthodontic treatment was completed, a final digital cast was obtained (T1). The planned teeth positions were then superimposed onto the T0 and T1 digital models. The differences between the programmed movements and the achieved overall torque, tip, rotation, and transverse dimensions were assessed using the paired t test or Wilcoxon's signed rank test.



RESULTS: The overall accuracies for torque, tip, and rotation were 67.6%, 64.2%, and 72.0%, respectively. The accuracy of the change in transverse diameter was 99.6%.



CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of the present pilot study (difficulties with abnormally shaped teeth and use of attachments), it can be concluded that 3D printed aligners can be successfully printed in-house and utilized for mildly crowded cases, with a comparable accuracy of tooth movement to that of other aligners.