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Sleep Breath.2024 May;


The dark side of apnea: altered 24-hour melatonin secretion in obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS) is disease severity dependent.

PMID: 38801480




PURPOSE: Melatonin aids in the synchronization of the circadian rhythm to the external environment. Few studies have tried to elucidate the relationship between melatonin and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). These often include few patients, do not differentiate between OSAS severity and/or do not analyse a 24-h melatonin profile. This study set out to investigate disease severity dependent differences in 24-h salivary melatonin secretion of OSAS patients compared to a reference population in a retrospective design.



METHODS: 24-h salivary melatonin profiles of 169 OSAS patients were analysed (55 light, 66 moderate, 48 severe) as well as 91 reference patients. Several aspects of the melatonin curve were analysed and stratified according to OSAS severity. Parameters included: dim light melatonin onset (DLMO), time of returning below DLMO (DLMOoff), peak melatonin concentration and time, and total melatonin exposure.



RESULTS: Significant effects were corrected for confounding by age and sex using linear regression. Our analysis shows that, compared to reference and in a disease dependent manner, OSAS patients have a significantly lower 24-h melatonin curve, lower melatonin peak concentration, lower total melatonin exposure and a smaller proportion of patients reach DLMO. The differences in peak melatonin production and total melatonin exposure were resistant to confounding by age and/or sex.



CONCLUSION: This study describes clear OSAS severity dependent abnormalities in melatonin production in OSAS patients, independent of sex and/or age. Future research should indicate whether oral melatonin supplementation has beneficial effects in OSAS patients with attenuated endogenous melatonin production.