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AORN J.2024 Jun;119(6):421-427.


Improving Team Members' Attention During the OR Briefing or Time Out.

PMID: 38804746



Effective coordination among health care professionals is crucial to achieving optimal outcomes. In the OR, even minor errors can have catastrophic consequences. To mitigate the risk of error, health care professionals have adopted a briefing culture like that used in the aviation industry. Briefings are essential to ensure that everyone involved in a procedure knows the plan and potential risks and is prepared to perform their duties safely and effectively. The fundamental human sense involved in briefings is auditory perception; although important, hearing alone does not equate to focused attention. To enhance the efficacy of briefings, engaging the use of a second sense by adding a visual checklist may increase attentiveness and the chances of early error detection and prevention. Using a projection device may enhance all team members' engagement and participation during the briefing or time-out process and can be an effective tool for improving communication and reducing errors.