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J Prosthodont.2024 May;


Fracture resistance of cement-retained lithium disilicate implant-supported crowns: Effect of material used for two-piece abutments.

PMID: 38807201




PURPOSE: This study compared the fracture strength of single lithium disilicate implant-supported crowns fabricated on two-piece abutments with various materials: ceramic-reinforced PEEK, zirconia, and lithium disilicate.


36本のインプラントをアクリル製シリンダーに埋入した。上顎左側中切歯の術前スキャンに基づき、ツーピースアバットメントとクラウンを設計した。設計したクラウンを用いて36本の二ケイ酸リチウムクラウンを作製した。設計されたアバットメントを用いて、(A)ジルコニア、(B)二ケイ酸リチウム、(C)セラミック強化PEEKの3種類の材料から各12本ずつ、計36本のアバットメントを製作した。アバットメントを表面処理し、チタンベースアバットメント上にレジンセメントで接着した。次に、割り当てられたアバットメント上に二ケイ酸リチウム冠を接着した。その後,試験片に120万サイクルの動的荷重を負荷した.破壊強度(N)は万能試験機を用いて評価した。一元配置分散分析(One-way ANOVA)と多重比較検定(Multiple comparison test)を用いて、インプラント支持の単一修復物の破壊強度に対するアバットメントの材質の影響を0.05の有意性で評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-six implants were embedded in acrylic cylinders. A two-piece abutment and a crown were designed following a pre-operation scan for a maxillary left central incisor. The designed crown was used to fabricate 36 lithium disilicate crowns. The designed abutment was used to manufacture 36 abutments from 3 materials, 12 each: (A) zirconia; (B) lithium disilicate; and (C) ceramic-reinforced PEEK. Abutments were surface treated and bonded on the titanium base abutments with resin cement. Then, lithium disilicate crowns were bonded on the assigned abutments. Specimens were then subjected to dynamic loading for 1,200,000 cycles. The fracture strength (N) of the assembly was assessed using a universal testing machine. One-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparison tests was used to evaluate the effect of abutment material on the fracture strength of single implant-supported restorations at a significance of .05.


ジルコニア、PEEK、二ケイ酸リチウムのツーピースアバットメントを使用したグループの平均破折強度は、それぞれ1362N±218N、1235N±115N、1472N±171Nであった。破折強度は各群間で有意差(p<0.05)があった。二ケイ酸リチウム群では、PEEK群よりも破折強度が有意に高かったが(p = 0.0058)、他の群では有意差は認められなかった(p > 0.05)。

RESULTS: The average fracture strength for the groups with zirconia, PEEK, and lithium disilicate two-piece abutments were 1362N ± 218N, 1235N ± 115N, and 1472N ± 171N, respectively. There was a significant (p < 0.05) difference in fracture strength among the groups. The lithium disilicate group had significantly higher fracture strength (p = 0.0058) than the group with PEEK; however, there was no significant (p > 0.05) difference between the other groups.



CONCLUSIONS: Two-piece abutments restored with lithium disilicate crowns investigated in the study have the potential to withstand the average physiological occlusal forces in the anterior region.