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BMC Oral Health.2024 May;24(1):638.


Validation of an Arabic version of the short form of the health literacy in dentistry scale: a cross-sectional study.

PMID: 38811915



歯科医療における健康リテラシー尺度(Health Literacy in Dentistry scale:HeLD)のアラビア語短編版は、これまでに発表された研究ではまだ開発されていなかった。本研究の目的は、アラビア語版HeLD質問票の信頼性と妥当性を検証することである。

BACKGROUND: The Arabic version of the short form of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) had not yet been developed in previously published studies. This study aims to test the reliability and validity of an Arabic version of the short form of the HeLD questionnaire.



METHODS: The short version of HeLD was translated into Arabic and the psychometric properties were evaluated in a sample of 1,889 female students in their first year of secondary school. Test-retest reliability was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), and internal consistency reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Content validity was investigated by creating a correlation matrix between the individual items of the HeLD-14, and criterion validity was determined using Pearson's correlation between the HeLD-14 score and an overall oral health rating. Sensitivity analysis was assessed by testing the associations of the HeLD-14 score with oral health-related behaviours and residential area.


アラビア語版HeLD-14(A-HeLD-14)は、許容できるICC(0.54)と優れた内的一貫性(Cronbach's alpha: 0.92)を有していた。A-HeLD-14の項目間の相関は0.3~0.9であった。A-HeLD-14は、総合的な口腔健康度と統計的に有意な相関を示した(r=0.37、p<0.001)。A-HeLD-14スコアの中央値は、歯を磨く頻度が低い(41.50)、歯医者に不定期に行く(49.00)、新鮮な果物をあまり食べない(47)、炭酸飲料やエネルギー飲料をよく飲む(48.00)の参加者よりも、歯を磨く頻度が高い(51.31)、歯医者に定期的に行く(52.00)、新鮮な果物をよく食べる(51)、炭酸飲料やエネルギー飲料をあまり飲まない(51.00)の参加者の方が有意に高かった。

RESULTS: The Arabic version of HeLD-14 (A-HeLD-14) had acceptable ICC (0.54) and excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.92). The correlations between the items of the A-HeLD-14 varied from 0.3 to 0.9. The A-HeLD-14 showed a statistically significant correlation with the overall oral health rating (r = 0.37, p < 0.001). The median A-HeLD-14 score was significantly higher in participants who brushed their teeth frequently (51.31), visited the dentist regularly (52.00), consumed fresh fruit frequently (51) and consumed soda or energy drinks infrequently (51.00) than participants who brushed their teeth infrequently (41.50), visited the dentist irregularly (49.00), consumed fresh fruit infrequently (47) and consumed soda or energy drinks frequently (48.00).



CONCLUSION: The A-HeLD-14 instrument demonstrates sufficient validity, reliability, and sensitivity for measuring oral health literacy among the Arabic-speaking population.