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J Dent.2024 Aug;147:105103.


Erosion protective properties of the enamel pellicle in-situ.

PMID: 38815730




OBJECTIVES: Previous studies on short- and long-term pellicles showed that the enamel pellicle provides partial protection against erosion. The aim of the present study was to investigate the protective properties of clinically relevant pellicles formed within 2 to 24 h. The hypothesis was that factors such as pellicle formation time, intraoral location, and acidic challenge severity would not influence the erosion-protective properties of the pellicle.


6人の被験者が研究に参加した。ウシエナメル質の標本を作製し、頬側または口蓋側で2、6、12、24時間口腔内に暴露してペリクルを形成させた後、0.1%または1%のクエン酸を用いて侵食した。カルシウム放出量と表面の微小硬度を測定し、走査型および透過型電子顕微鏡を用いて試料を分析した。定量的データは、三元配置分散分析(ANOVA)とタッキーの多重比較検定(p = 0.05)を用いて統計的に分析した。

METHODS: Six subjects participated in the study. Bovine enamel specimens were prepared and intraorally exposed at buccal or palatal sites for 2, 6, 12, and 24 h to allow pellicle formation, followed by erosion using 0.1 % or 1 % citric acid. Calcium release and surface microhardness were measured, and specimens were analysed using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Quantitative data were statistically analysed with three-way ANOVA and Tuckey's multiple comparison test (p = 0.05).


ペリクルの形成時間と口腔内の位置は、ペリクルの侵食保護特性に有意な影響を与えなかったが、クエン酸濃度はエナメル質の侵食に有意な影響を与えた。ペリクルの厚さは、形成時間が長いほど、また頬側の部位では増加したが、それぞれ0.1 %または1 %のクエン酸で処理すると減少するか、完全に除去された。エナメル質表面は特徴的な侵食パターンを示した。

RESULTS: Pellicle formation time and intraoral location did not significantly influence the erosion-protective properties of the pellicle, while citric acid concentration significantly affected enamel erosion. The pellicle thickness increased with longer formation times and on buccal sites, but decreased or was entirely removed following treatment with 0.1 % or 1 % citric acid, respectively. The enamel surface exhibited a characteristic erosion pattern.



CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the importance of investigating pellicle properties within the critical 2- to 24-h timeframe and highlights the significance of pellicle thickness in acid resistance.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: These findings provide valuable insights into the factors influencing the protective properties of enamel pellicles and could guide preventive measures in dental practice.