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J Morphol.2024 Jun;285(6):e21741.


Respiratory internal kinematics of the tongue base and soft palate in obese minipigs with obstructive sleep apnea.

PMID: 38837268



It is largely unknown how the tongue base and soft palate deform to alter the configuration of the oropharyngeal airway during respiration. This study is to address this important gap. After live sleep monitoring of five Yucatan and two Panepinto minipigs to verify obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), eight and four ultrasonic crystals were implanted into the tongue base and soft palate to circumscribe a cubic and square region, respectively. The 3D and 2D deformational changes of the circumscribed regions were measured simultaneously with electromyographic activity of the oropharyngeal muscles during spontaneous respiration under sedated sleep. The results indicated that both obese Yucatan and Panepinto minipigs presented spontaneous OSA, but not in three nonobese Yucatan minipigs. During inspiration, the tongue base showed elongation in both dorsal and ventral regions but thinning and thickening in the anterior and posterior regions, respectively. The widths showed opposite directions, widening in the dorsal but narrowing in the ventral regions. The soft palate expanded in both length and width. Compared to normal controls, obese/OSA ones showed similar directions of deformational changes, but the magnitude of change was two times larger in the tongue base and soft palate, and obese/OSA Panepinto minipigs presented 10 times larger changes in all dimensions of both the tongue base and the soft palate. The distance changes between the dorsal surface of tongue base and soft palate during inspiration increased in normal but decreased in obese OSA minipigs.