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J Endod.2024 Jun;

ロボット、動的、静的アシストによる歯内療法マイクロサージェリーの精度と手術時間の比較:InVitro Study

Comparison of Accuracy and Operation Time in Robotic, Dynamic, and Static-Assisted Endodontic Microsurgery: An In Vitro Study.

PMID: 38838934




INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to compare the accuracy and operation time (OT) of robotic-assisted endodontic microsurgery (RA-EMS), dynamic navigation-guided (DN-guided) EMS, and static navigation-guided (SN-guided) EMS.


標準化された3セットの顎模型(TrueTooth, DELendo, Santa Barbara, CA)から72歯を無作為に3群に割り付け、骨切り術と歯根端切除術を行った。術前計画と術後のコーンビームCT画像を精度解析システムに取り込み、解剖学的構造に基づいて位置合わせを行い、精度を評価した。OTはフットペダルを踏み込んだ瞬間からバーが目標深度に到達するまで記録した。統計解析はKruskal-Wallis検定とScheirer-Ray-Hare検定を用い、有意性はP<.05とした。

METHODS: Seventy-two teeth from three sets of standardized jaw models (TrueTooth, DELendo, Santa Barbara, CA) randomly assigned into 3 groups underwent osteotomy and root-end resection. Preoperative plans and postoperative cone-beam computed tomography images were imported into an accuracy analysis system and aligned based on the anatomical structures to assess accuracy. The OT was recorded from the moment the foot pedal was pressed down until the bur reached the target depth. Statistical analyses were conducted using Kruskal-Wallis and Scheirer-Ray-Hare tests, with significance set at P < .05.


RA-EMSはDN-およびSN-ガイドEMSに比べ、プラットフォーム、角度、切除角度の偏差において有意に高い精度を示した(P<.05)。さらに、RA-EMSはDN-guided EMSよりも切除長偏差において有意に高い精度を示した(P<.05)。3つのアプローチ間のOTにも有意差が認められ、SNガイド下EMSが最もOTが短く、次いでRAガイド下EMS、DNガイド下EMSの順であった。角度偏位に関しては、DN-guided EMSグループ内で顎タイプに差が認められた(P<.05)。

RESULTS: RA-EMS exhibited significantly higher accuracy than DN- and SN-guided EMS in terms of platform, angular, and resection angular deviations (P < .05). Additionally, RA-EMS exhibited significantly higher accuracy than DN-guided EMS in resection length deviation (P < .05). Significant differences were also observed in OTs between the 3 approaches, with SN-guided EMS showing the shortest OT, followed by RA-EMS and DN-guided EMS. Differences in jaw types within the DN-guided EMS group were observed in terms of angular deviation (P < .05).



CONCLUSIONS: All 3 treatment approaches demonstrated acceptable clinical accuracy and OT. RA-EMS exhibited superior accuracy, suggesting its potential application prospects in endodontics. Further high-quality clinical studies are warranted.