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J Dent Anesth Pain Med.2024 Jun;24(3):195-204.


Efficacy of kaleidoscope, virtual reality, and video games to alleviate dental anxiety during local anesthesia in children: a randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 38840651




BACKGROUND: Distraction is a technique used to divert a patient's attention from unpleasant procedures. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of kaleidoscopy, virtual reality, and video games in reducing anxiety and pain during invasive dental procedures in children.


6~9歳の小児66名を、局所麻酔投与中の3群に無作為に割り付けた:グループ1(万華鏡)、グループ2(バーチャルリアリティ)、グループ3(携帯ビデオゲーム)である。子どもたちの不安は、処置前、処置中、処置後の3つの時点において、生理学的測定(心拍数)を用いて評価された。主観的尺度として、Raghavendra, Madhuri, and Sujata pictorial scaleを処置の前後に用いた。痛みの主観的尺度は、Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scaleを用いて評価した。データはKruskal-Wallis検定およびWilcoxon符号順位検定を用いて統計的に分析した。

METHODS: Sixty-six children aged 6 to 9 years were randomly assigned to three groups during local anesthesia administration: Group 1 (kaleidoscope), Group 2 (virtual reality), and Group 3 (mobile video games). The anxiety of the children was evaluated using physiological measures (heart rate) at three different time points: before, during, and after the procedure. The Raghavendra, Madhuri, and Sujata pictorial scale was used as a subjective measure before and after the procedure. Subjective measures of pain were assessed using the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale. The data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.



RESULTS: In the intergroup comparison, there were no statistically significant differences in the physiological measures of anxiety scores between the three groups before, during, and after distraction. Raghavendra, Madhuri, and Sujata pictorial scale scores were assessed before and after distraction, but no statistically significant differences were observed. Among the three groups, the children in Group 2 showed a significant reduction in pain scores.



CONCLUSION: Compared with kaleidoscopes and video games, virtual reality is a promising distraction technique for reducing dental fear, anxiety, and pain during local anesthesia administration in children.