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J Wound Care.2024 Jun;33(6):394-407.


Effect of oral multispecies probiotic on wound healing, periodontitis and quality of life on patients with diabetes.

PMID: 38843016




OBJECTIVE: Hard-to-heal (chronic) wounds are common in patients with diabetes and are associated with a decrease in quality of life (QoL). Pathogenic bacteria often colonise hard-to-heal wounds and hinder the healing process which poses a high risk for (systemic) infections. In this study, we aim to prove that probiotics are capable of displacing human pathogenic bacteria, ameliorating inflammation and positively influencing the microenvironment/microbiome of skin and mucosa.



METHOD: In this pilot study, patients with diabetes and hard-to-heal wounds with a duration of 2-120 months received an oral multispecies probiotic daily for six months. Changes in oral, stool and wound microbiome were investigated, and the effects of the probiotic intervention on wound healing, periodontitis and wound-specific quality of life (Wound-QOL-17) were analysed throughout the course of this clinical study.



RESULTS: In total, seven of the 20 patients included were unable to complete the study. After six months of oral probiotic intake supplementation in five out of the remaining 13 patients, the wounds had healed completely. Most patients reported an improvement in wound-specific QoL, with particular positive effects on pain and mobility. Microbiome analysis revealed a reduction in and , and in healed wounds.


本研究の結果から、糖尿病患者および治癒困難な創傷を有する患者を対象に、6ヵ月間にわたり多 種混合プロバイオティクスを経口投与することで、創傷の閉鎖、創傷微生物のパターン、QoL、および 歯の健康に有益な効果が得られることが証明された。この結果を検証するためには、無作為化プラセボ対照二重盲検臨床試験が必要である。

CONCLUSION: This findings of this study provide evidence for the beneficial effects of the oral application of a multispecies probiotic over six months in patients with diabetes and hard-to-heal wounds on wound closure, wound microbial pattern, QoL, and on dental health. A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial is required to verify the results.