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サウジアラビアのAl Rassにおける小児患者を対象とした局所麻酔下での歯科治療後の術後疼痛の評価

Evaluation of post-operative pain following dental procedures under local anesthesia among pediatric patients at Al Rass, Saudi Arabia.

PMID: 38854767


局所麻酔下での歯科治療を受けた小児の術後疼痛の評価は興味深い。そこで、歯の修復、抜歯、歯髄切開を伴うまたは伴わないステンレス・スチール・クラウン(SSC)の装着のうち、少なくとも1つの処置を受けた4~12歳の小児182人を対象とした研究を実施した。Wong-Baker FACES疼痛評価尺度(WBF)を用いて術後の疼痛を評価するため、48時間以内に保護者に電話で連絡した。電話で連絡が取れた人(182人中146人、回答率80.2%)。そのうち30.8%が疼痛または不快感(WBF2以上)を経験したと報告した。第一大臼歯にSSCを受けた小児患者は、他の歯科処置よりも痛みを報告する割合がかなり高かった(44.8%、p<0.001)。しかし、SSC単独またはSSCと歯髄切開の併用(それぞれ44.8%と46.5%)の間で、報告された痛みに有意差はなかった。さらに、参加者の19.9%に市販の鎮痛薬が投与された。

Evaluation of post-operative pain in children after receiving dental treatments under local anesthesia is of interest. Hence, a study consisting of 182 children aged from 4 to 12 years old, who received at least one of the following procedures: dental restoration, extraction, placement of stainless steel crown (SSC) with or without pulpotomy is completed. Parents were contacted by phone within 48 hours to assess post-operative pain by using Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale (WBF). Individuals who were reachable via phone (146 out of 182, response rate 80.2%). 30.8% of them reported experiencing pain or discomfort (WBF more than or equal 2). Pediatric patients who had SSC on their primary molars had a considerably higher incidence of reporting pain than any other dental procedures (44.8% at p < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference in reported pain between placements of SSC alone or SSC with pulpotomy (44.8% and 46.5%, respectively). Further, over-the-counter analgesics were administered in 19.9% of participants.