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J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg.2024 Jun;:101945.


The past forty-three years of dental implantology literature. A Global Mapping and Scientometric Analysis.

PMID: 38857690




PURPOSE: The aim of this research is to make a scientometric analysis of the dental implantology literature and to present the results in a more understandable way to the reader by visualizing them with maps.


Web of Scienceデータベースを通じて歯科インプラント学文献にアクセスした。Citespace 6.1ソフトウェアでサイエントロメトリデータを取得し、共引用、クラスタリング分析、引用バースト、マッピング分析を行った。さらにScimago Graphicaソフトウェアを用いて視覚化を行った。

METHODS: The dental implantology literature was accessed through the Web of Science database. Scientometric data was obtained with Citespace 6.1 software, co-citation, clustering analysis, citation burst, and mapping analyzes were performed. Scimago Graphica software was used for additional visualizations.



RESULTS: A total of 35,704 articles were included in the analysis. There were 88,616 authors, 72,333 institutes, 142 countries/regions, and 3,265 journals contributing to the dental implantology literature. The United States was first with 7,334 publications and 225,868 citations. The literature between 1980-2023 was divided into 19 different clusters, and the literature between 2000-2023 was divided into 16 different clusters.


この分野の主要なテーマには、自家骨の使用、インプラント表面技術の進歩、プラットフォー ムの切り替えや口腔内スキャナーの使用が含まれる。新たに注目されるトピックとしては、前歯部治療における審美的配慮、応力分布、ジルコニアの使用、インプラント治療が口腔内の健康関連QOLに与える影響などが挙げられる。今後、同様のサイエントロメトリー分析研究が行われる予定であり、文献の進歩をエビデンスに基づいて追跡することができる。

CONCLUSIONS: Key themes in the field include the use of autogenous bone, advancements in implant surface technology, and the use of platform switching and intraoral scanners. Emerging topics of interest include esthetic considerations in the treatment of the anterior region, stress distribution, the use of zirconia, and the impact of implant treatment on oral health-related quality of life. With similar scientometric analysis studies to be done in the future, the progress of the literature can be followed on the basis of evidence.