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Int J Dent Hyg.2024 Jun;


Effect of a powered and a manual toothbrush in subjects susceptible to gingival recession: A 36-month randomized controlled clinical study.

PMID: 38863249




OBJECTIVE: The objective of this long-term clinical study was to evaluate the influence of a newly developed powered toothbrush (PT) on the size and number of pre-existing gingival recessions (GR) in comparison to a manual toothbrush (MT).



METHODS: This was a prospective, single-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled clinical study. Participants without periodontitis, but with at least two teeth (index teeth) showing GR ≥2 mm were randomized to brush either twice daily with a MT or with a PT with a linear magnetic drive causing the round brush head to produce gentle micro vibrations along with oscillating-rotating movements. Primary outcome parameter was the mean change of GR at the index teeth over 36 months.


92人中87人が研究を完了した(MT/PT:n=42/n=45)。36ヶ月後の評価では、指標歯のGRの平均(標準偏差)変化は、MT 0.17(0.77)とPT -0.10(0.63)で有意差があった(p=0.013)。さらに、試験期間中にGRが1mm以上改善した部位または横ばいであった部位の数はMTとPTで差がなかったが、1mm以上悪化した部位の数はPTが有意に有利であった(MT23(25.5%)対PT10(10.6%);p=0.009)。バイナリーロジスティック回帰では、指標歯の後退障害の危険因子として、歯の種類(前歯/臼歯のOR=2.991(1.096[95%CI 1.002-8.933];p=0.050))と手磨きの有無(OR=3.341(1.206[95%CI 1291-8648];p=0.013))が同定された。有害事象については、群間に差はなかった。

RESULTS: Totally 87 out of 92 participants completed the study (MT/PT: n = 42/n = 45). At the 36-month evaluation the mean (standard deviation) change of GR at index teeth differed significantly between MT 0.17 (0.77) and PT -0.10 (0.63) (p = 0.013). Furthermore, the amount of GR sites which improved ≥1 mm or remained stable during the study period did not differ between MT and PT, but the number of sites worsened ≥1 mm was significantly in favour for PT (MT 23 (25.5%) versus PT 10 (10.6%); p = 0.009). A binary logistic regression identified tooth type (OR = 2.991 for pre-/molar (1.096 [95% CI 1.002-8.933]; p = 0.050)) and manual brushing (OR = 3.341 (1.206 [95% CI 1291-8648]; p = 0.013)) as risk factors for recession impairment at the index teeth. There were no differences between groups for adverse events.



CONCLUSION: In a population with pre-existing gingival recessions and consequently a high risk of developing further recession the PT seems to be favourable with regard to further development of GR.